2 English reference epulis
Gum tumor
Classification of oncology and stomatology diseases
4 disease overview Gingivoma is a diagnostic term named according to its shape and location. Refers to a tumor-like disease that occurs in soft tissue around teeth. Gingivoma originated from periodontal ligament and connective tissue of alveolar process of jaw. According to different pathological structures, gingivoma can usually be divided into three types: granuloma type, fibrous type and vascular type.
Gingivoma is more common in women, especially young people. Most of them occur in the gums. There are more people on lips and cheeks than on tongue and palate, and the most common part is the bicuspid area. This kind of tumor varies in size, generally no more than 23 teeth, and it is round or round. Gingival tumors are mostly purplish red and generally grow slowly, but women grow faster during pregnancy, and the tumors can cover the crowns.
Gingivoma needs surgery.
5 disease description Gingivoma is an inflammatory tumor-like growth that occurs in the gums. It comes from the connective tissue of periodontal ligament and gum. Because it has no biological characteristics and structure of tumor, it is not a real tumor, but it is easy to recur after resection.
Symptoms and signs are more common in female patients, especially in youth and middle age. Most of them occur in the gums of the lips and cheeks, that is, a single tooth. The mass is round or oval, with a diameter of several millimeters to 12cm. Tumors can be pedicled like polyps and generally grow slowly. Larger lumps can be bitten and infected. The destruction of alveolar bone wall can also occur, and X-ray film can show bone absorption and widening of periodontal ligament space. Teeth may loosen and shift.
7 Etiology Plaque, tartar, food impaction or bad prosthesis cause local long-term chronic inflammation, leading to reactive growth of gingival connective tissue. Women's endocrine changes during pregnancy are prone to gingivitis, postpartum atrophy or stop growing.
According to the above clinical manifestations, it is not difficult to diagnose, and disease examination is helpful to diagnose the type of gingivoma.
9. Complete surgical resection of the treatment plan. The tumor and periosteum were all removed, the alveolar bone at the base was chiseled, and the periodontal ligament tissue at the corresponding position was scraped to prevent recurrence.
10 Related Sources Stomatology (6th Edition)
Niuhuang Wei Qing Pill is a Chinese patent medicine for treating gingival swelling and pain, which has the effect of moistening dryness and relaxing bowels. Used for heart and stomach fire, dizziness, sore mouth and tongue, gum swelling and pain, moth sore throat, constipation and red urine. Administration and dosage: oral, once. ...
Nodular bacterial dysentery, rheumatic bone pain, lumbago and leg pain, carbuncle swelling, pelvic inflammatory disease, purpura, gingival bleeding, epistaxis: decoction, 9 ~ 15g. Treatment of fracture and traumatic injury with sarcandra glabra. ...
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The immune protection benefit is obtained by enhancing the immune function of Muxiang Areca Pill. Zedoary turmeric oil can change or enhance the immunogenicity of tumor cells, thus inducing or promoting the immune rejection of antibodies to tumors. ...
More Chinese patent medicines for treating gingivitis.
Chondroitin sulfate tablet g, a drug related to gingival tumor, 2 ~ 3 times a day. Adverse reactions include chest tightness, nausea and a small amount of bleeding in the gums. People with bleeding tendency should use preventive measures with caution. ...
The experiment of cyclosporine oral liquid proves that it increases the risk of cancer. Although there are reports of human lymphoma and skin malignant tumor, there is no evidence of mutagenicity. ( ...
The experiment of cyclosporine capsule proves that it increases the risk of cancer. Although there are reports of human lymphoma and skin malignant tumor, there is no evidence of mutagenicity. ( ...
The experiment of cyclosporine capsule proves that it increases the risk of cancer. Although there are reports of human lymphoma and skin malignant tumor, there is no evidence of mutagenicity. 2 ...
ciclosporin oral solution