After years of development and efforts, the Dermatology Department of Xining First People’s Hospital has a staff of 1,300 medical staff and has opened a dermatology and venereal disease specialty. The department has a multi-functional microwave instrument. Microwave can treat erythema nodosum left behind by band-like scars, panniculitis, and other diseases. Microwave knife can treat various types of skin scabies, such as vulgaris, flat black hemorrhoids, hemangioma, etc. Cutaneous horns, abnormal keratinization, etc.; electronic therapy equipment, which can treat stroking epidermal hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, sebaceous adenoma, hemangioma, suppurative flesh, etc.; carbon dioxide laser equipment, which can treat sexual transmission such as sharp wet stroking and granuloma. , infectious carbuncle, etc., the media microscope] set detects various sexually transmitted diseases, such as Treponema pallidum, diplococcus gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia, etc., and also detects epidermal fungi, worms, and scabies.