Tool palette: Enter; ;
Palette adjustment: Shift+Tab;; ;
Exit the system: ctrl+q;
Get help: f1;
Cut selection area: F2/CTRL+X;
Copy selection area: F3/CTRL+C;
Paste selection area: F4/CTRL+V;
Show or close the brush palette: F5;
Show or close the color palette: F6;
Show or close the layer panel: F7;
Show or close the information palette: F8;
Show or close the action palette: F9;
Show or close palettes, status bars, and toolboxes: Tab. ;
Select all: ctrl+a;
Adverse selection: shift+ctrl+I;
Deselect area: ctrl+d;
Select area to move: arrow keys;
Convert a layer to a selection: Ctrl ++ Click the working layer;
The selection area is moved in pixels of 10: Shift+ arrow keys;
Copy selection area: Alt ++ arrow keys;
Fill as foreground color: Alt+Delete;; ;
Fill with background color: Ctrl+Delete;; ;
Color scale adjustment tool: ctrl+l;
Adjust the color balance: ctrl+b;
Adjust hue/saturation: ctrl+u;
Free deformation: ctrl+t;
Increase the size of the pen: "brackets";
Reduce the size of the pen: "brackets";
Select the largest pen: Shift++ "bracket";
Select the smallest pen: Shift++ "bracket";
Reuse filter: ctrl+f;
Move to the next level: Ctrl++ "brackets";
Line to the next level: Ctrl++ "brackets";
Move to the front layer: Shift+Ctrl++ "brackets";
Move to the bottom: Shift+Ctrl++ "brackets";
Activate the previous layer: Alt++ "bracket";
Activate the next layer: Alt++ "bracket";
Merge visible layers: shift+ctrl+e;
Enlarge the window: ctrl+"+";
Shrink the window: Ctrl+"-";-";
Zoom in: Ctrl ++ SPACEBAR+mouse click;
Shrinking part: Alt+ space bar+mouse click;
Turn to view: pageup/pagedown; ;
Show or hide ruler: ctrl+r;
Show or hide the dotted line: ctrl+h;
Show or hide the grid: Ctrl++ ".
Open file: ctrl+o;
Close the file: ctrl+w;
File saving: ctrl+s;
Print file: ctrl+p;
Revert to the previous step: ctrl+z;
Illstrutor shortcut key
Moving tool v
Direct selection tool, group selection tool a
Pen, add anchor point, delete anchor point, and change the path angle p.
Add anchor tool+
Delete anchor tool-
Text, area text, path text, vertical text, vertical area text, vertical path text.
Ellipse, polygon, star, spiral l
Increase the number of sides, chamfer radius and spiral turns (drawing in L and M states)
Reduce the number of sides, chamfer radius and spiral turns (drawing in L and M states) ↓
Rectangular, rounded rectangle tool M
Brush tool b
Pencil, smoothing, erasing tool n
Rotate, rotate tool r
Zoom and stretch tools
Mirror and tilting tool o
Free deformation tool e
Hybrid and automatic edge marking tool w
Chart tool (seven charts) j
Gradient dot tool u
Gradient fill tool g
Color sampler I
Paint bucket tool k
Scissors and cutters c
View translation, page, dimension tool h
Magnifier tool z
Default foreground and background color d
Toggle fill and stroke x
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode f
Switch to color fill
Switch to gradient fill >
Switch to no padding/
Temporary use of fixture tool space
Perform precise operations, such as mirror orientation and rotation, select the appropriate tool and press Enter.
Press Alt+ to drag the copied object in the state of R, O, V, etc.
Document function
New graphics file Ctrl+N
Open existing image Ctrl+O
Close the current image Ctrl+W
Save the current image.
Save as ... Ctrl+Shift+S
Save copy Ctrl+Alt+S
Page setup Ctrl+Shift+P
Document settings Ctrl+Alt+P
Print Ctrl+P
Open the preset dialog ctrl+k
Return to the state before the last save (F 12)
Edit operation
Operation before recovery (the number of steps can be preset) Ctrl+Z.
Repeat ctrl+shift+z.
Cut the selection to the clipboard.
Place a copy of the selection on the clipboard.
Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current drawing.
Paste the clipboard contents into the previous ctrl+f.
Paste the contents of the clipboard to the last ctrl+B.
Delete the selected object DEL
Select all objects Ctrl+A
Deselect ctrl+shift+a.
Transform Ctrl+D again.
Send to the front Ctrl+Shift+]
Send Ctrl+] forward.
Send to the last Ctrl+Shift+[
Send Ctrl+[ back.
Combine the selected objects ctrl+g.
Ungroup the selected objects.
Lock the selected object Ctrl+2.
Lock unselected objects.
Unlock all Ctrl+Alt+2.
Hide the selected object Ctrl+3
Hide unselected objects.
Show all hidden objects.
Disconnect path Ctrl+J
Align path points Ctrl+Alt+J
Blend two objects
Uninstall Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B
Select w as the blending option, and then press Enter.
Create a new image mask Ctrl+7.
Unmark the image.
Union path Ctrl+8
Ungroup Ctrl+Alt+8.
Select j as the chart type, and then press Enter.
Apply the last filter Ctrl+E again.
Apply the last used filter and adjust the parameters ctrl+alt+e.
word processing
Align text left or up Ctrl+Shift+L.
Align Ctrl+Shift+C in the text.
Align the text right or down.
Text scatter alignment Ctrl+Shift+J
Insert soft carriage return Shift+ carriage return
Enter the kerning adjustment value Ctrl+Alt+K accurately.
Set kerning to 0 Ctrl+Shift+Q
Restore the font aspect ratio to 1 to1ctrl+shift+x+x.
Select 1 character left/right Shift+←/→
Select 1 line Shift+↑/↓ Up/Down.
Select all characters ctrl+a.
Select the character movement from the insertion point to the mouse click, and then click it.
Move left/right 1 characters ←/→
Move down/up 1 line =/↓
Move left/right 1 word Ctrl+←/→
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 2 pixels.
Increase the text size of the selected text by 2 pixels Ctrl+Shift+>;
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 10 pixels Ctrl+Alt+Shift+
Increase the text size of the selected text by 10 pixel ctrl+alt+shift+>;
Reduce the line spacing by 2 pixels Alt+↓
Increase the line spacing by 2 pixels alt+write.
Reduce the baseline displacement by 2 pixels Shift+Alt+↓
Increase the baseline displacement by 2 pixels shift+alt+write.
Reduce kerning or kerning by 20/ 1000ems Alt+←.
Increase word spacing or word spacing by 20/ 1000ems Alt+→
Reduce kerning or kerning100/1000 emsctrl+alt+←.
Increase kerning or kerning100/1000 emsctrl+alt+→
Move the cursor to the front home page.
Move the cursor to the back end.
Select front Shift+HOME.
Select the last Shift+END.
Convert text to path Ctrl+Shift+O
View operation
Display image in border mode (toggle) CTRL+Y
Generate a preview of the selected object (in border mode) Ctrl+Shift+Y.
Enlarge view Ctrl++
Zoom out view Ctrl+-
Zoom in to page size Ctrl+0
Actual pixel display Ctrl+ 1
Show/hide the control point Ctrl+H of the path.
Hide template Ctrl+Shift+W
Show/hide ruler Ctrl+R
Show/hide the reference line ctrl+;
Lock/unlock the reference line CTRL+ALT+;
Turn the selected object into a reference line Ctrl+5.
Restores the object that becomes the guide to Ctrl+Alt+5.
Adhere to the reference line ctrl+shift+;
Show/hide grid Ctrl+ "
Adhere to the grid Ctrl+Shift+ "
Snap to point Ctrl+Alt+ "
Applying agile reference Ctrl+U
Show/hide font panel Ctrl+T
Show/hide paragraph panel Ctrl+M
Show/hide list panel Ctrl+Shift+T
Show/Hide Brush Panel F5
Show/Hide Color Panel F6/Ctrl+I
Show/Hide Layers Panel F7
Show/Hide Information Panel F8
Show/Hide Gradient Panel F9
Show/Hide Stroke Panel F 10
Show/hide the property panel F 1 1
Show/hide all command panel tabs
Show or hide all palettes except Toolbox Shift+TAB.
Select the last panel Ctrl+~
Coreldraw shortcut key
Open (&; O) ... main Ctrl+O opens an existing drawing document.
Print ... main Ctrl+P prints the current drawing.
Size (&; I) the main Alt+F 10 opens the "big and small tool shutter".
A single zoom master F2 runs the zoom action and then returns to the previous tool.
The single zoom master Z runs the zoom action and then returns to the previous tool.
Export (&; E) ... main Ctrl+E exports text or objects to another format.
Navigation master n allows you to import any object in the maximized navigation window.
Import (&; I) ... main Ctrl+I imports text or objects.
Go to the back of the main switch +B to send the selected object to the back.
Go to the back (&; The main switch +PgDn puts the selected object at the back.
Go to the front end main switch +T to send the selected object to the front end.
Go to the front (&; F) The main switch +PgUp puts the selected object in front.
The right main switch +R sends the selected object to the right.
The main switch to the left +L moves the selected object to the left.
Align the baseline (&; L) main Alt+F 12 aligns the text with the baseline.
Align the grid &; P) the main Ctrl+Y aligns (toggles) the object with the grid.
Align Page Center main p Align the center of the selected object with the center of the page.
Polygon (&; P) the principal y draws a symmetrical polygon; Double-click the tool to open the Toolbox tab of the Options dialog box.
Separate (&; Master Ctrl+K splits the selected object.
Scattered alignment text editor Ctrl+H changes the text alignment to scatter text within the line width.
The main switch +P of the dispersion center horizontal stage aligns the dispersion of the selected object with the horizontal center of the stage.
Scatter center horizontal page main switch +E aligns the dispersion of the selected object with the horizontal center of the page.
Envelope (&; E) main Ctrl+F7 opens "envelope tool roller shutter"
Symbols and special characters (&; Main Ctrl+F 1 1 opens the "symbol and special character tool roller shutter".
Copy (&; C) main Ctrl+C copies the selected item to the clipboard.
Copy (&; C) Main Ctrl+ insert to copy the selected item to the clipboard.
Format (&; F)...main Ctrl+T formats the text attribute.
Change case (&; H) ... Text editing switch +F3 to change the case of the selected text.
Restore (&; E) main Ctrl+ switch +Z resumes the last undo operation.
Cut (&; Y) main Ctrl+X cuts the selected object and puts it on the clipboard.
Cut (&; Y) Main Switch+Delete cuts the selected object and puts it on the clipboard.
Reduce font size Text editing Ctrl+NUMPAD2 reduces the font size to the previous font size setting.
Reduce the font size. The main control Ctrl+NUMPAD2 reduces the font size to the previous font size setting.
The gradient master F 1 1 applies a gradient fill to an object.
Combination (&; C) main Ctrl+L combines the selected objects.
Center text editor Ctrl+E changes the text alignment to center alignment.
Rectangular (&; R) the main F6 draws a rectangle; Double-click this tool to create a page frame.
Double-ended text editor Ctrl+J changes the text alignment to double-ended.
Contour Pen Main F 12 Opens the Contour Pen dialog box.
Outline drawing (&; C) the main Ctrl+F9 opens the "contour drawing tool roller shutter".
Spiral (&; S) Master A draws a spiral; Double-click the tool to open the Toolbox tab of the Options dialog box.
Spell check (&; S)...main Ctrl+F 12 starts the spelling checker; Check the spelling of the selected text
Switch the picking state. The main Ctrl+Space switches between the current tool and the pick tool.
Ungroup &; U) The main Ctrl+U deselects a group consisting of objects or groups of objects.
Edit all small uppercase text Ctrl+ Toggle +K Change all text characters to small uppercase characters.
Full screen preview (&; F) The main F9 displays a full-screen preview of the drawing.
Group (&; G) main Ctrl+G combines the selected objects.
Delete (&; L) Master Delete Deletes the selected object.
Delete the words on the right Text editing Ctrl+ Delete Delete Delete Delete the words on the right of the text caret.
Delete the characters to the right of the text Edit Delete Delete Delete Delete the characters to the right of the text caret.
Alignment on the main T will select alignment on the object.
Finally, the commonly used font size text editor Ctrl+NUMPAD4 reduces the font size to the last available setting in the font size list.
Finally, the commonly used font size master Ctrl+NUMPAD4 reduces the font size to the last available setting in the font size list.
Previous Main Page Go to the previous page.
Move the lens up. Alt+UpArrow moves the lens up relative to the painting.
Move the text up one paragraph Edit Ctrl+ Up Arrow Move the text caret up one paragraph.
Move Up One Text Box Text Editing PgUp Moves the text caret up one text box.
Move Up One Line Text Edit Move Up Arrow Moves the text caret up one line.
Generate property bar main Ctrl+ returns generates the property bar and aims at the first visible item that can be marked.
View Manager &; W) Main Ctrl+F2 opens the "View Manager Tool Shutter".
The view switching main switch +F9 switches between the two most recently used view qualities.
& F Main F5 draws lines and curves in "Hand Drawing" mode.
Hand Master H uses this tool to pan the drawing by clicking and dragging.
Drop Cap Text Editing Ctrl+ Toggle +D Add/Delete Drop Cap Format of Text Objects (Toggle)
Property main Alt+ returns the properties of the object or tool displayed according to the current option or tool.
& refresh; W) main Ctrl+W refreshes the current drawing window.
Align the main E horizontally and align the center of the selected object horizontally.
Horizontal text main Ctrl+, change the text arrangement to horizontal direction.
zoom &; S) The main Alt+F9 opens the shutter of the zoom tool.
Zoom to all objects &; F) The main F4 enlarges all objects to the maximum.
Zoom the selected object &; S) The main switch +F2 zooms the selected object to the maximum.
Reduce (&; O) The main F3 reduces the graphics in the drawing.
Fill master g adds a fill to the object; Click and drag the object to fill the fountain.
Lens (&; L) the main Alt+F3 opens the "lens tool roller shutter"
Graphics and text styles &; Y) Main Ctrl+F5 opens the "Graphic Style Tool Roller Curtain".
Exit (&; X) The main Alt+F4 exits CorelDRAW and prompts to save the active graphics.
Ellipse (&; E) Main F7 draws ellipses and circles; Double-click the tool to open the Toolbox tab of the Options dialog box.
Grid paper (&; G) the main d draws a rectangular group; Double-click the tool to open the Toolbox tab of the Options dialog box.
Grid-filled master M converts objects into grid-filled objects.
Location (&; P) the main Alt+F7 opens the "positioning tool roller shutter"
Text text editing Ctrl+f 10 Select the text tab to open the options dialog box.
Text (&; T) main F8 adds text; Click the page to add "WordArt Text"; Click and drag to add paragraph text.
Bottom Align Host B will select the objects to be bottom aligned.
The underlined text editor Ctrl+U changes the text style to underline.
The next commonly used font size text editor Ctrl+NUMPAD6 adds the font size to the next setting in the font size list.
Next Common Font Size Master Ctrl+NUMPAD6 adds the font size to the next setting in the font size list.
Next Page Master PgDn goes to the next page.
Move the lens down. The main Alt+DnArrow moves the lens down relative to the painting.
Move down one paragraph Text editor Ctrl+DnArrow moves the text caret down one paragraph.
Move down one text box Text editing PgDn Moves the text caret down one text box.
Move down one line The text editor DnArrow moves the text caret down one line.
Display non-printing characters (&; N) the text editor Ctrl+ toggle +C displays non-printing characters.
The linear master Alt+F2 contains the function of specifying the linear dimension line property.
Bullets main Ctrl+M Add/Remove Bullets in Text Objects (Toggle)
One bit backward (&; N) Master Ctrl+PgDn places the selected object at the next position in the object stack order.
Forward a (&; O) main Ctrl+PgUp places the selected object in the previous position according to the stack order of the objects.
Super Fine Up Main Switch+Up Arrow Use the super fine-tuning factor to fine-tune the object up.
Fine-tune it (&; U) The main up arrow fine-tunes the object up.
Fine-tuning master Ctrl+ up arrow uses a fine-tuning factor to fine-tune an object.
Select a paragraph of text up Edit Ctrl+Switch+ Up Arrow Select a paragraph of text up.
Select a text box up. Text editing switch +PgUp selects a text box up.
Select a line of text up edit switch+up arrow to select a line of text up.
Fine-tune the main switch down +DnArrow uses the Fine-tune factor to fine-tune the object down.
Fine-tuning down (&; D) The main data arrow fine-tunes the object downward.
Fine-tune down Main Ctrl+DnArrow uses a fine-tuning factor to fine-tune the object down.
Select a paragraph down for editing Ctrl+Switch+dn arrow to select a paragraph down.
Select a text box down. Text editing switch +PgDn selects a text box down.
Select a line of text down to edit the switch +dn arrow to select a line of text down.
Fine-tune the main switch to the right+right arrow to fine-tune the object to the right using the ultra-fine-tune factor.
Fine-tune the main arrow to the right to fine-tune the object.
Fine-tune the master Ctrl+ right arrow to fine-tune the object to the right using the fine-tuning factor.
Super Fine-tuning Master Switch Left+Left Arrow Use the super fine-tuning factor to fine-tune the object to the left.
Fine-tune the main left arrow to the left to fine-tune the object to the left.
Fine-tune the main Ctrl+ left arrow. Use the spinner to fine-tune the object to the left.
Italic text editing Ctrl+I changes the text style to italic.
New (&; N) main Ctrl+N creates a new drawing document.
The shape master F 10 edits the node of the object; Double-click the tool to open the node Edit Roller Blinds.
Rotate (&; R) the main Alt+F8 opens the "rotary tool roller shutter"
Option (&; O) ... Main Ctrl+J opens a dialog box for setting CorelDRAW options.
Select primary Ctrl+A for all objects.
Select the text editor at the end of the text Ctrl+ Toggle +PgDn Select the text at the end of the text.
Select text to start text editing Ctrl+ Toggle +PgUp Select the text at the beginning of the text.
Select the starting text of the text box Edit Ctrl+ Switch+Home Select the starting text of the text box.
Select the text editing Ctrl+ Toggle+End button at the end of the text box to select the text at the end of the text box.
Select the first line of text editing switch+home page to select the first line of text.
Select the end-of-line text editing switch +"End "button to select the end-of-line text.
Select the word on the right to edit the text Ctrl+Switch+right arrow to select the word on the right of the text insertion mark.
Select a character on the right. Text editing switch+right arrow selects the character to the right of the text insertion mark.
Select the word on the left to edit the text Ctrl+Switch+left arrow to select the word on the left of the text insertion mark.
Select a character on the left. The left arrow of the text editing switch selects the character to the left of the text insertion mark.
Color main switch +F 12 opens the outline color dialog box.
The color master switch +F 1 1 applies a monochrome fill to the object.
Style list text editor Ctrl+ Toggle +S displays a list of all painting styles.
Page (&; P) The main switch +F4 displays the whole printable page.
Move to the beginning of the text Text editing Ctrl+PgUp moves the text caret to the beginning of the text.
Move to the end of the text box The text editing Ctrl+ End button moves the text caret to the end of the text box.
Move to the beginning of the text box Text editor Ctrl+ Home Move the text caret to the beginning of the text box.
Move to the beginning of the line Text editing home page Move the text caret to the beginning of the line.
Move to End of Line Text Editing End Button moves the text caret to the end of the line.
Move to the end of the text Edit Ctrl+PgDn Move the caret to the end of the text.
Right-aligned text editor Ctrl+R changes the text alignment to right-aligned.
Align Right Master R Align the selected object to the right.
Move the lens to the right Main Alt+ Right Arrow key moves the lens to the right relative to the painting.
Move a word to the right Text Editor Ctrl+ Right Arrow Moves the text caret to the right by one word.
Move one character to the right The text editor right arrow moves the text caret one character to the right.
Reproduce (&; D) master Ctrl+D copies the selected object and offsets it by a specified distance.
Increase font size The text editor Ctrl+NUMPAD8 increases the font size to the next font size setting.
Increase Font Size Master Ctrl+NUMPAD8 will increase the font size to the next font size setting.
Paste (&; P) main Ctrl+V pastes the contents of the clipboard into the drawing.
Paste (&; P) main switch+insert pastes the contents of the clipboard into the drawing.
What is this (&; w)? Master switch +F 1 Start "What is this?" help
Duplicate copy (&; R) main Ctrl+R repeats the last operation.
Transform (&; V) Main Ctrl+F8 converts calligraphy into paragraph text, and vice versa.
Convert to curve (&; V) main Ctrl+Q converts the selected object into a curve; Converting to curves can provide more and more flexible editing functions.
Convert contours to objects &; E) main Ctrl+ switch +Q converts the outline into an object.
Master I uses fixed width, pressure sensing, calligraphy style or preset "natural pen" style to draw curves.
Font thickness list text editor Ctrl+ Toggle +W displays a list of all available/active font thicknesses.
Font Size List Text Editing Ctrl+ Toggle +P Displays a list containing all available/active font sizes.
Font list text editing Ctrl+ Toggle +F displays a list containing all available/active fonts.
Left-aligned text editor Ctrl+L changes the text alignment to left-aligned.
Left Aligns the selected object mainly to the left.
Move the lens to the left. The main Alt+left arrow moves the lens to the left relative to the painting.
Move one word to the left. Text editor Ctrl+LeftArrow moves the text caret to the left by one word.
Move one character to the left The left arrow of the text editor moves the text caret one character to the left.