Monday. )
English [m? nde? ] beauty [m? nde? ]
2. Tuesday
Tuesday. )
English ['zde] n.zde? ] beauty [tu: zde? ]
3. Wednesday
Wednesday. )
English ['wenzde? ] beauty ['wenzde? ]
4. Thursday
Thursday. )
English ['θ? :zde? ] beauty ['θ? :rzde? ]
5. Friday
Friday (Fri. )
English fra? De? ] beauty [fra? De? ]
6. Saturday
Saturday. )
English? t? De? ] beautiful [beautiful? t? rde? ]
7. Sunday
Sunday (Sunday. )
English? nde? ] beautiful [beautiful? nde? ]
Changes in the use of words: Tuesday
1, Tuesday means "Tuesday", which is the second day of the week in American English and the third day in British English. Tuesday comes from Mars Day and can be abbreviated as Tuesday.
Generally speaking, there is no article before Tuesday, and sometimes the definite article the can be added to indicate "Tuesday of the week under discussion".
When it means "A Tuesday", the indefinite article A can be added on Tuesday.
When expressing "on Tuesday", the preposition on is usually used, but if there are words like this, that, last, before and every, the preposition on can no longer be used.