Good words, sentences and paragraphs describing the house
There is a wardrobe in the west, which is divided into two floors. The clothes I wear in summer and winter are on the top, and my coat and trousers are on the bottom. The bookshelf is on the left. There are two boxes full of shoes. When the weather is warm, I will take them out to dry.
There is a bed in the north, and it is very comfortable to sleep on it. There is a cupboard on the left side of the bed with a cup and a kettle on it. If you are thirsty at night, you can pour water. On the right side of the bed, I will put a pot of wintersweet. Its fearless, indomitable, unknown and selfless spirit always inspires me to keep forging ahead.
More interesting is the wall of the house, which can change with the seasons. In spring, there is fresh grass on the wall, and butterflies are dancing on the grass, so happy. In summer, trees will grow on the walls, and children will wear short-sleeved shorts to play badminton, run and play football on the grass. In autumn, there will be a bumper harvest in the countryside on the wall; In winter, a group of children will appear on the wall. They are having a snowball fight and making a snowman. ...
The house in the future will be built quickly and well. At that time, all materials can be automatically made into standard parts, and the machines in the factory will be equipped with automatic inspection systems. If unqualified materials are found, they will be destroyed and rebuilt immediately. All the data are also calculated by computers. This layer-by-layer inspection ensures the qualified rate of parts and of course the safety of the house. When building a house, as long as someone is watching, it is enough to ensure that there is no problem with the machinery. All have mechanical automation construction, which can be done in one breath. A building can be completed in about a month or two. It was almost when I heard that I was going to build a house that I saw many tall buildings.
6. I want to plant some small flowers in my yard, ordinary, tough and kind. Plant a variety of two small trees and treat them as' good children' who guard their homes. I want to have a puppy, too. No famous dog is not fierce, but he is loyal and willing to work hard for his master.