, [Head] 1. Eyes: dark in color, round, not protruding, medium in size, with alert eyes. The inner corner of the eye and the short end of the eye are in the same straight line. Black eye sockets. 2. Ears: Upright or floppy ears, large and rounded at the tips, located relatively behind the sides of the head. (1) The erect ears extend diagonally, resembling the wings of a flying butterfly. When alert, each ear is carried back to form an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the head. The pinna should be strong enough to hold the entire ear upright. (2) Drop-eared type, which is the same as the general butterfly dog ??we know. It is similar in other aspects, but the ears are drooping and completely downward. Faults: small ears, too pointed ears, too high ears; one ear is erect or part of the ear is droopy. Skull: The head is small. The skull is of medium width and slightly domed between the ears. The stop is well defined where the muzzle meets the head. 3. Muzzle: The muzzle is delicate, suddenly tapering from the head, and the tip of the nose is very thin. The length of the muzzle (from the tip of the nose to the stop) is approximately equal to 1/3 of the entire length of the head (from the tip of the nose to the back of the head). The nose is black, round, and the upper end is slightly flat. Nose that is not black is a serious fault. The lips are tight, thin and dark. When the mouth is closed, the tongue should not be visible. The bite is a scissors bite and an overshot or undershot bite is to be faulted. Coat The coat is rich, long, fine, silky, flowing, straight and elastic. The hair on the back and sides of the body is straight. The chest is richly feathered. No undercoat. The hair on the head, muzzle, front of the forelimbs and hind limbs from the paws to the hocks is tight and short. The edges of the ears are beautifully feathered, and there are medium-length, soft and smooth hairs inside. There is long feathering on the back of the front legs, which decreases to the ankle. The area from the hind legs to the hock is covered by "breeches" (also called culottes). The hair on the feet is short, but may be covered with fine feathering. Color The ideal color is always white with other colored markings. On the head, the color must be a color other than white that covers both ears, front and back, and extends to the eyes without being disconnected in the middle. A solid-colored head, starting from the tip of the nose and with a white vein in the middle of the face, is preferred. Symmetry of the facial pattern is important. The size, location, shape, or even the presence or absence of colored markings on the body does not matter. As long as there is enough melanin in the eye circles, nose and lips, it doesn't matter what color they are. It is a serious fault that any color other than white does not cover the ears (front and back) or does not extend from the ears to the eyes. A ring of white around the ears or a small amount of white hair scattered over other colors is not considered a serious fault if it does not detract from the butterfly appearance. Any dog ??that is all white or has no white color is disqualified.