The calculation result is:
A 1 cell stores the number to be calculated, for example, 37 19299473.
A2 cell input: = int (a116777216)
B2 unit input: = int (mod (a 1, 1677 72 16)/65536).
C2 unit input: = int (mod (mod (a 1, 1677 72 16), 65536)/256)
D2 cell input: = mod (mod (a 1, 1677 72 16), 65536), 256)
If you want to synthesize in B 1, you can change the formula in B 1 to = int (a116777216)&; "."& ampINT(MOD(A 1, 167772 16)/65536); "."& ampINT(MOD(MOD(A 1, 167772 16),65536)/256)amp; "."& ampMOD(MOD(MOD(A 1, 167772 16),65536),256)