Farmer, farmer; Contractor;
[Example] A farmer? Brown's cows are branded with this letter? B.
Farmer Brown's cow was branded with the letter "B".
2. Nurse English [n? : s] beauty [n? :rs]
Nurse, nurse; Nanny, nanny, grandma, nurse; Protect people, protect farmers, protect foster families and protect birthplace; Protect trees [plants], protect insects [insects], protect insects, and asexual individuals with alternating generations;
Nursing; Care; Hello; Breastfeeding;
Cultivation; Hug; Hug; Supervision;
She has been a doctor for 29 years? nurse
She has been a nurse for 29 years.
3. Pharmacist English [? fɑ:m? s? Holy] beauty [? fɑ:rm? s? st]
[example ]The? Pharmacist? Can help you treat common diseases? Illness.
Pharmacists can help you treat common diseases.
4. Pilot English [? Dad? l? T] beauty [? Dad? l? t]
Pilot; Pilot; Guide; (mechanics) a guide (or shaft);
Pilot; Testing; Drive; Pilot (or steer) for (a ship);
Experimental; Experimental; Director; Driver's; Auxiliary;
He worked as an airline for seven years? Pilot.
He became an airline pilot on 17.
5. Doctor English [? d? kt? (r)] Beauty [? dɑ:kt? (r)]
Doctor; Doctor, doctor; Theologian; Medical equipment;
Medical treatment, practicing medicine;
Repair and assembly; Fake; Adulteration; Modify and polish;
I have an appointment in. Doctor.
I have an appointment at the clinic.