Hello, your situation depends on your physical health, if you do not have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. If you are healthy, you can extract multiple tooth roots at one time! But if you have the above diseases or are in poor health, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before taking treatment, and you should not pull out too much every time! And the advice you mentioned from the doctor is also selective. If your alveolar bone and gums are good, you can consider keeping the root of the tooth straight and grinding it down! But if your alveolar bone is resorbed too much, don’t leave it! That doesn’t make much sense! Extracting the tooth root has the benefits of removing the tooth root, and not extracting the tooth root has the benefits of not extracting the tooth root.
The pros and cons during this period must be determined by the patient himself, and the doctor only gives suggestions! I wish you a speedy recovery!