Pruning method: When pruning main branches and side branches, attention should be paid to the balance of plant types, and trees with unreasonable orientation and visual angle can be corrected by turning around, pulling branches and supporting branches. With the increase of conclusions, the amount of pruning should be gradually increased. Branches and some long-term main branches should be contracted and upgraded immediately, so that the lower branches are not easy to wither and bare. If the main branch is strong, it can be combined with the angle of keeping branches and selecting thinning and pruning to increase the branches with large fruits to prevent the upper branches from being strong and the lower branches from being weak. If the side branch is closed, it will shrink, and if it is not closed, it can be widened again with strong branches.
Prune the long branches near the lower side of each branch group in the fruit branch group. If 4-5 buds are left on the standing branches with strong growth and development potential, the upgrading can be shortened, and the fruiting branches with other lengths are left as conclusions. If the total number is too large, it will be beneficial to the contraction and upgrading after the conclusion. For the fruit branches with great growth potential, "core-breaking digging" is selected to shrink the upper strong branches, so as to improve the fruit setting rate and growth and development potential of the lower weak branches and achieve the purpose of high-yield upgrading. For small and medium-sized bad fruit branches, the method of single branch upgrading can be used to make the medium and long branches with introduction bear fruit again, and after the growth period is relaxed, new buds can be promoted at the tip to achieve the purpose of branch upgrading. The pruning of main stem and lateral branches should pay attention to restraining the strong and helping the weak, and balance the plant type.
For flowers and trees with inappropriate orientation and visual angle, they can be corrected by turning around, pulling branches and supporting branches. With the increase of tightness, the shearing amount will also increase gradually. Branches and some long main poles and side branches should be taken back and upgraded immediately, so that the branches below will not dry up easily and the walls will be empty. If the main stem has a strong branch extension force, it can be trimmed by thinning branches in combination with the branch retention angle, and the long-bearing branches can be extended to prevent the upper branches from being strong and the lower branches from being weak. If a part of the widened side branch is closed, it can be taken back, and the unsealed side branch can be widened again together with the strong side branch.