Import java.util. *;
/* Find the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple */
Public class maxcommondivisorandmincommonmultiple {
Public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new scanner (system. in); //Receive information input from the console.
System.out.print ("Please enter the first integer:");
int num 1 = scan . nextint(); //Take out the information entered by the console.
System.out.print ("Please enter the second integer:");
int num 2 = scan . nextint(); //Take out the information entered by the console.
system . out . println(maxCommonDivisor(num 1,num 2)); //Call the maxCommonDivisor () method.
system . out . println(minCommonMultiple(num 1,num 2)); //Call the minCommonMultiple () method
//Recursive method for finding the greatest common divisor
public static int maxcommon divisor(int m,int n) {
If (m & ltN) {// m>N is guaranteed, if m < N, data exchange will be carried out.
int temp = m;
m = n;
N = temperature;
If (m% n == 0) {// If the remainder is 0, the greatest common divisor is returned.
Returns n;
} else {// Otherwise, recursively assign n to m and assign the remainder to n..
Returns maxcommandivisor (n, m% n);
//Find the greatest common divisor by cyclic method
public static int maxcommondivisor 2(int m,int n) {
If (m & ltN) {// m>N is guaranteed, if m < N, data exchange will be carried out.
int temp = m;
m = n;
N = temperature;
while (m % n! = 0) {// When the remainder cannot be 0, loop.
int temp = m % n;
m = n;
N = temperature;
Returns n; //Returns the greatest common divisor
//Find the least common multiple
public static int minCommonMultiple(int m,int n) {
Returns m * n/maxcommandivisor (m, n);