First, uneven teeth can easily lead to various dental diseases. Common periodontal diseases often lead to alveolar bone absorption, which is a pathological absorption and can lead to tooth loss in severe cases.
Second, the strength of correcting teeth is very small, and the movement of teeth is physiological, which will not lead to the absorption of alveolar bone and root. After a certain period of correction, the loose teeth became firm again.
Thirdly, through orthodontic treatment, the teeth are arranged neatly, the normal occlusion is restored, and the periodontal tissue of the teeth is healthier, which not only improves the chewing efficiency, but also reduces the incidence of dental diseases and effectively prevents the teeth from loosening and falling off when people are old.
In addition, in the process of orthodontics, the teeth will be slightly loose, sore and uncomfortable, and unable to chew. These are normal reactions during treatment, so don't worry. After orthodontics, the teeth will gradually return to normal, and these phenomena will disappear.