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How to use mybatis gracefully
How to use mybatis gracefully

I started a new project these two days, because the project team members have been using mybatis. Although I prefer the minimalist mode of jpa, I decided to use mybatis in order to keep the unity of project technology selection. I found some information about the combination of spring boot and mybatis on the Internet. Various forms make people tired. Combining the official demo and documents of mybatis, I finally found the simplest two modes and spent a day summarizing and sharing them.

The essence of orm framework is to simplify the coding of operation database in programming. Up to now, there are basically only two left. One is hibernate, which claims that you don't have to write a single sql, and the other is mybatis, which can debug dynamic SQL flexibly. Both of them have their own characteristics and can be used flexibly according to the requirements in the development of enterprise-level systems. We found an interesting phenomenon: most traditional enterprises like to use hibernate, and the Internet industry usually uses mybatis.

The characteristic of hibernate is that all sql is generated by Java code, and it is not necessary to jump out of the program to write (read) sql, which has the integrity of programming. At the top is the pattern of spring data jpa, which can basically generate the corresponding sql according to the method name. For those who don't know much, please see my last article Spring Boot (V): The Use of Spring Data JPA.

Mybatis is troublesome to use in the early stage, which requires various configuration files, entity classes, dao layer mapping associations, and a lot of other configurations. Of course, mybatis also found this drawback. The pre-development generator automatically generates entity classes, configuration files and dao layer codes according to the table results, which can reduce some development. A lot of optimization has been done in the later period, and comments can be used. You can automatically manage dao layers and configuration files. At the top, this model will be discussed today. Mybatis-spring-boot-starter is springboot+mybatis, which can be completely annotated without configuration file, or can be easily used with simple configuration.

Now think about spring boots. It's great. Everything related to spring boots has been simplified.

My batis- spring boots-starter

Official description: My Battis spring startup will help you use my Battis and Spring Boot.

In fact, myBatis has developed a set of solutions to join in the fun after seeing how the hot springs are turned on, but this solution really solves many problems and is really smooth to use. Mybatis-spring-boot-starter has two main solutions, one is to use annotations to solve all problems, and the other is to simplify the old tradition.

Of course, any mode needs to import the pom file of mybatis-spring-boot-starter first, and now the latest version is1.1(almost double 1 1:).

& lt dependency & gt

& ltgroupId & gtorg . my batis . spring . boot & lt; /groupId & gt;

& ltartifactId & gtmy batis-spring-boot-starter & lt; /artifact id & gt;

& lt version & gt1.1.1< /version & gt;

& lt/dependency & gt; 12345 12345

Ok, here are two development modes.

Annotated version without configuration file

Everything is done through annotations.

1 Add related maven files

& lt dependency & gt

& lt dependency & gt

& ltgroupId & gtorg . spring framework . boot & lt; /groupId & gt;

& ltartifactId & gt Spring Boot Starter & lt/artifactid >

& lt/dependency & gt;

& lt dependency & gt

& ltgroupId & gtorg . spring framework . boot & lt; /groupId & gt;

& ltartifactId & gt Test of Spring Starter

& lt/scope & gt; Test & lt/scope >

& lt/dependency & gt;

& lt dependency & gt

& ltgroupId & gtorg . spring framework . boot & lt; /groupId & gt;

& ltartifactId & gtspring-boot-starter-web & lt; /artifact id & gt;

& lt/dependency & gt;

& lt dependency & gt

& ltgroupId & gtorg . my batis . spring . boot & lt; /groupId & gt;

& ltartifactId & gtmy batis-spring-boot-starter & lt; /artifact id & gt;

& lt version & gt1.1.1< /version & gt;

& lt/dependency & gt;

& lt dependency & gt

& ltgroupId & gtmysql & lt/groupId & gt;

& ltartifactId & gtMySQL-connector-Java & lt; /artifact id & gt;

& lt/dependency & gt;

& lt dependency & gt

& ltgroupId & gtorg . spring framework . boot & lt; /groupId & gt;

& ltartifactId & gtspring-boot-devtools/artifact id & gt;

& lt Optional & gttrue & lt/ Optional & gt

& lt/dependency & gt;

& lt/dependencies & gt; 123456789 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 1 2223242526272829 123456789 106 5438+0 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 12223242526272829

The complete pom package will not be posted here. Let's look directly at the source code.

2. Add relevant configuration to

my batis . type-aliases-package = com . neo . entity

spring . data source . driver class name = com . MySQL . JDBC . driver

spring . data source . URL = JDBC:MySQL://localhost:3306/test 1? UseUnicode = true & amp character encoding =utf-8.

Spring.datasource.username = root

spring . data source . password = root 123456 123456

Springboot will automatically load the configuration of spring.datasource.*, the data source will be automatically injected into sqlSessionFactory, and sqlSessionFactory will be automatically injected into Mapper. By the way, don't worry about anything, just pick it up and use it.

Add the scan mapper package @ Mappers Scan to the startup class.


@MapperScan("com.neo.mapper ")

Public class applications {

Public static void main(String[] args) {

spring application . run(application . class,args);


} 12345678 12345678

Or add comments @ Mapper directly on the mapper class. It is recommended to use the above one, otherwise it is very troublesome to add comments to each mapper.

3. Develop a mapper

The third step is the most critical step, and the sql production is all here.

Common interface user mapper (

@Select("SELECT * FROM users ")

@ Result ({

@Result(property = "userSex ",column = "user_sex ",javaType = UserSexEnum.class),

@Result(property = "nickName ",column = "nick_name ")


List & lt User Entity & gt Get All ();

@ Select(" Select * FROM users WHERE id = # { id } ")

@ Result ({

@Result(property = "userSex ",column = "user_sex ",javaType = UserSexEnum.class),

@Result(property = "nickName ",column = "nick_name ")


UserEntity getOne (long id);

@ insert ("insert into users (username, passWord, user_sex) values (#{userName}, #{passWord}, #{userSex})")

Void insert(UserEntity user);

@Update ("Update User Settings User Name = # {User Name}, Nickname = # {Nickname}, where id =#{id}")

Void update (UserEntity user);

@Delete ("Delete from user with id =#{id}")

Void delete (long id);

} 123456789 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 12223242526 / kloc-0/23456789 1065438+ 0 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 12223242526

In order to be closer to production, I specially underlined two attributes, user_sex and nick_name, which are inconsistent with the attribute names of entity classes, and user_sex used enumeration.

@Select is the annotation of the query class, which is used by all queries.

@Result modifies the returned result set, and the associated entity class attributes correspond to the database fields one by one. If the entity class attribute and the database attribute have the same name, there is no need to decorate the attribute.

@Insert insert database for use. Passing in the entity class directly will automatically resolve the attribute to the corresponding value.

@Update is responsible for modification, or you can pass in the object directly.

@delete is responsible for deleting

For more information about attributes, please refer to here.

Note the difference between using the # symbol and the $ symbol:

//This example creates a prepared statement similar to select * from teacher where name =? ;

@ Select(" Select * from teacher where name = # { name } ")

Teacher selectteachforleavenname (@ param ("name") string name);

//This example creates an n inline statement similar to select * from teacher where name =' someone';

@ Select(" Select * from teacher where name = ' $ { name } ' ")

Teacher selectteachforleavenname (@ param ("name") string name); 1234567 1234567

Step 4 use

The above three steps have basically completed the development of related channel layers, and it can be injected as a common class when used.



Public class UserMapperTest {

@ Auto Connect

Dedicated user mapper user mapper;

@ Test

Public void testInsert () threw an exception {

UserMapper.insert (new user entity ("aa", "a 123456", UserSexEnum). MAN));

UserMapper.insert (new user entity ("bb", "b 123456", UserSexEnum). Female));

UserMapper.insert (new user entity ("cc", "b 123456", UserSexEnum). Female));

Assert.assertEquals(3,UserMapper.getAll()。 size());


@ Test

The public void testQuery () threw an exception {

List & lt User Entity & gt Users = Usermapper. getall ();

system . out . println(users . tostring());


@ Test

Public void testUpdate () threw an exception {

user entity user = user mapper . get one(3l);

system . out . println(user . tostring());

user . set nickname(" neo ");

UserMapper.update (user);

assert . assert true((“neo”。 equals(UserMapper.getOne(3l))。 get nickname()))));


} 123456789 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 1 2223242526272829303 1 1234567 89 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 12223242526272829303 1

The controler layer in the source code has complete additions and deletions, so I won't post it here.

The source code is here spring-boot-mybatis-annotation.

Minimalist xml version

The minimalist xml version keeps the old tradition of mapping file, and the optimization is mainly reflected in: the implementation layer does not need to implement dao, and the system will automatically find the corresponding sql in the mapping file according to the method name.

1, configuration

The pom file is the same as the previous version, except that the following configuration is added in

mybatis . config-locations = class path:mybatis/mybatis-config . XML

mybatis . mapper-locations = class path:mybatis/mapper/* . XML 12 12

The addresses of mybatis basic configuration file and entity class mapping file are specified.

Mybatis-config.xml configuration

& lt configuration & gt

& lttypeAliases & gt

& lttype alias alias = " Integer " type = " Java . lang . Integer "/& gt;

& lttype alias alias = " Long " type = " Java . lang . Long "/& gt;

& lttype alias alias = " HashMap " type = " Java . util . HashMap "/& gt;

& lttype alias alias = " linked hashmap " type = " Java . util . linked hashmap "/& gt;

& lttype alias alias = " ArrayList " type = " Java . util . ArrayList "/& gt;

& lttype alias alias = " linked list " type = " Java . util . linked list "/& gt;

& lt/type aliases & gt;

& lt/configuration & gt; 123456789 10 123456789 10

You can also add some basic configuration of mybatis here.

2. Add the user's mapping file.

& ltmapper namespace = " com . neo . mapper . user mapper " & gt;

& ltresult map id = " base result map " type = " com . neo . entity . user entity " & gt;

& ltid column = " id " property = " id " JDBC type = " BIGINT "/& gt;

& lt result column = "username" property = "username" JDBC type = "varchar"/>

& lt result column = "password" property = "password" JDBC type = "varchar"/>

& ltresult column = " user _ sex " property = " user sex " Java type = " com . neo . enums . usersexenum "/& gt;

& lt result column = "nick _ name" property = "nickname" JDBC type = "varchar"/>

& lt/result map & gt;

& ltsql id="Base_Column_List " >

Id, user name, password, user gender, nickname

& lt/SQL & gt;

& ltselect id = " get all " result map = " base result map " & gt;


& ltinclude refid = " Base _ Column _ List "/& gt;

From users

& lt/select & gt;

& ltselect id = " getOne " parameter type = " Java . lang . long " result map = " base result map " & gt;


& ltinclude refid = " Base _ Column _ List "/& gt;

From users

Where id = #{id}

& lt/select & gt;

& ltinsert id = " insert " parameter type = " com . neo . entity . user entity " & gt;



(User name, password, user gender)


(# {username}, # {password}, # {user gender})

& lt/insert & gt;

& ltupdate id = " update " parameter type = " com . neo . entity . user entity " & gt;



set up

& ltif test="userName! = null "> username = # {username}, & lt/if & gt;;

& ltif test="passWord! = null " >passWord = #{passWord},& lt/if & gt;

Nick's name = # {Nickname}


id = #{id}

& lt/update & gt;

< delete id = "delete" parameter type = "java.lang.long" >

Delete from



id =#{id}

& lt/delete & gt;

& lt/mapper & gt; 123456789 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 1 2223242526272829303 132333435363738 39404 14243444546474849505 152 123456789 10 1 1 12 / kloc-0/3 14 15 16 17 18 19202 1 2223242526272829303 13233343536373839404 14243444546474849505 152

In fact, in the previous version, mapper's sql was moved to xml here.

3. Write the code of the track layer.

Common interface user mapper (

List & lt User Entity & gt Get All ();

UserEntity getOne (long id);

Void insert(UserEntity user);

Void update (UserEntity user);

Void delete (long id);

} 123456789 10 1 1 12 13 123456789 10 1 1 12 13

Compared with the previous step, there are only interface methods left here.

Step 4 use

There is no difference between the use and the previous version. Let's look at the code.

Xml configuration version

How to choose

The two modes have their own characteristics, and the annotated version is suitable for the simple and fast mode. In fact, like this popular micro-service model, a micro-service will correspond to its own database, and the demand for multi-table connection query will be greatly reduced, which will become more and more suitable for this model.

The old traditional mode is more suitable for large-scale projects, which can generate SQL flexibly and dynamically, facilitate the adjustment of SQL, and also have a happy and gorgeous feeling of writing SQL.