Can the thumb be plastic?
Imagine that a brand-new life is quietly growing in your womb. At 0/9th week of pregnancy, your baby has begun to take shape, with a length of about 15cm and a weight of 200-250g. He/she begins to swallow amniotic fluid, the kidneys can make urine, and even the hair is growing rapidly!

Sensory organs are developing rapidly.

At this time, the baby's sensory organs began to develop rapidly, and taste, smell, touch, vision and hearing were all divided into special areas in the brain. The connections between neurons began to increase, which laid the foundation for future learning and growth.

B-ultrasound sees the baby's cute appearance.

B-ultrasound in the second trimester can draw a rough picture for the baby. Imagine, when you and your husband see the baby kicking, bending, stretching, rolling and even sucking the thumb, isn't it amazing?

The size of the stomach varies from person to person.

So, how big is the mother's belly at 19 weeks? In fact, it depends on the mother's figure, pelvic width, eating habits and amniotic fluid volume. Even in the same pregnancy, every mother's belly size may be different. As long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained, the baby will thrive.

Pay attention to the health of yourself and your children.

Remember, a baby who is 19 weeks pregnant already has the appearance that a baby should have, and all parts are growing rapidly. At this time, we should pay more attention to the health of ourselves and our children. Only in this way can the baby be healthy and happy!

Cherish the time of pregnancy

Expectant mothers, let's cherish this wonderful pregnancy and look forward to the arrival of the baby!