English [m? n? ]? Beauty [m? Ni]?
Money; Currency; destiny
Name (money); (British) Moni; (Spanish, French) Monet
Extended data
1, legal tender? Legal tender; Legal tender; Anchor-free currency; ? [Finance]? Refuse to pay paper money,
2. pocket money? [accounting]? Pocket money; Pocket money; Advantages and disadvantages of giving children pocket money; Pocket money
3. make money? Make money; Earn money; Get rich; profit
4. Money illusion? Money illusion; ? [Finance]? Money illusion; money illusion
5. losing money? Lose money; Lose money; Wanjia stone material; lose money
Bilingual example
He entrusted his money to me. ?
He entrusted his money to me.
She squandered all her money. ?
She spent all her money.
They lost all their money gambling. ?
They lost all their money on dice.