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Who has the world per capita GDP ranking? World GDP ranking?
Per capita GNP (calculated at nominal exchange rate) of ranking countries (or regions) in 2005 Unit: USD.

1 Luxembourg

2 Norway 53 465

3 Switzerland

4 Ireland 46,335

5 Denmark 450 15

6 Iceland 44 133

7 USA 42076

8 Sweden 3845 1

9 UK 36977

Japan 36,486

Austria 35,861

Netherlands 35,393

Finland 35,242

14 Belgium

Qatar 33,586

16 France

Germany 33,099

Canada 32,073

19 Australia

20 Italy

2 1 Singapore

22 Spain

23 Hong Kong 24,581

24 New Zealand

25 United Arab Emirates

Kuwait 19288

Cyprus 19008

Greece 18995

29 Bahamas 18, 190

30 Slovenia 17660

3 1 Dutch territory 17435

Israel 16987

Portugal 16658

34 Korea 14649

35 Brunei 14366

36 Taiwan Province Province 13926

Bahrain 13764

38 Malta 13 144

39 Antigua and Barbuda 1 1.790

Hungary 10896

4 1 Saudi Arabia

42 Barbados 10747

43 Czech Republic 10708

Oman 10292

Trinidad and Tobago 10, 1 17

Seychelles 8892

47 Estonia

Saint Kitts and Nevis

49 Slovakia

50 Croatia

Lithuania 6,796

52 Mexico 6566

53 Poland 6373

54 Equatorial Guinea 6,235

Latvia 6, 150

56 Chile

57 Botswana 57 13

58 Lebanon

59 Mauritius

60 Libya

6 1 Gabon

Panama 4,806

63 Russia 4750

64 Malaysia

65 Grenada

66 Turkey 4637

Costa Rica

68 Argentina

69 Belize 4, 120

70 Saint Lucia 4095

7 1 Venezuela

72 South Africa 3886

73 Uruguay

74 Dominica

75 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

76 Bulgaria 3325


Romania 3,277

79 Kazakhstan

80 Tunisia 3052

8 1 Jamaica

82 Belarus

Serbia and Montenegro * * * and the Republic 2820

84 Thailand

Suriname 2,785

86 Turkmenistan

87 Iran

88 Algeria

Macedonia * * * and the Republic of Macedonia 2,570 people.

90 Albania 2434

9 1

92 Maldives

93 Namibia

94 Tonga 2 226

95 Fiji 2 199

96 Ecuador 2 168

97 Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cape Verde 2, 16 1

99 Colombia

El Salvador 2063

Swaziland 2,043

102 Dominican Republic

Jordan 1, 988

104 Guatemala

105 Samoa

106 Ukraine

Angola 1.580

108 Morocco

109 Vanuatu

1 10 Republic of Congo * *

Syria 1.386

People's Republic of China (PRC) 1.352

Azerbaijan 1.237

1 14 Paraguay

1 15 Bolivia

1 16 Egypt

Indonesia 1.093

Philippines 1.084

Honduras 1.062

120 Sri Lanka

Guyana 1.035

122 Georgia 927

Armenia 868

124 Cameron 860

125 ivory coast 859

126 Bhutan 859

Djibouti 822

128 Nicaragua

129 Kiribati 768

130 Senegal

13 1 Moldova

132 Papua new guinea

India 652

Haiti 650

Sudan 643

136 binning 583

Pakistan 577

138 Chad 567

Comoros 554

140 Yemen

14 1 Mongolia 547

142 Lesotho

Solomon Islands 534

144 Vietnam 528

Nigeria 528

146 Kenya 489

Zambia 46 1

Mauritania 452

Ghana 45 1

Mali 435

Burkina Faso 424

152 Laos 42 1

Bangladesh 4 18

Kyrgyzstan 4 13

East Timor 400

Uzbekistan 376

157 guineas 375

158 Sao Tome and Principe

Togo 357

160 Central African Republic 356

16 1 Cambodia

162 Tanzania

163 Uganda

164 Mozambique 294

Gambia 284

Zimbabwe 277

Tajikistan 275

Niger 273

Madagascar 263

Nepal 246

17 1 cylon 207

Guinea Bissau 204

Rwanda 189

174 Malawi

175 Eritrea

Myanmar 135

177 Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ethiopia 12 1

Burundi 103


List of countries by per capita gross domestic product (purchasing power parity)

Per capita GDP ranking in 2005 (calculated by purchasing power parity)

Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, September 2004.

Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database.

This is a list of countries in the world, sorted by per capita gross domestic product (PPP). Per capita GDP is the value of all final goods and services produced by a country in a certain year, divided by the average population in the same year. The dollar estimate of GDP here is calculated based on purchasing power parity.

Per capita gross national product (calculated by purchasing power parity) of classified countries (or regions) in 2005 Unit: USD.

1 Luxembourg

2 Norway 40 784

3 USA 39,765,438+065,438+0

4 Ireland

5 Denmark 33,252 people

6 Canada 33 104

7 Iceland

8 Austria 32 059

9 Switzerland

Belgium 30,007

Australia 29, 8 14

Netherlands 29,663

Sweden 29,544

14 Hong Kong 29239

Germany 29,204

16 Japan

Finland 29,095

Britain 28,877

Italy 28,670

20 France 28 145

Qatar 27,028

22 Taiwan Province Province 25982

23 Singapore 25384

24 Spain

25 Dutch territories

26 New Zealand

Equatorial Guinea

28 Slovenia 2 1.587

Israel 2 1.575

30 Malta 2 1.203

Greece 20,387

32 Cyprus

33 United Arab Emirates 19599

34 Korea19,515

Portugal 19340

Bahamas 18435

37 Bahrain 17668

Czech Republic 17, 148

39 Oman

Hungary 16338

4 1 barbuda

Brunei 15, 17 1

Slovakia 14877

Estonia 14284

Kuwait 13673

Lithuania 12837

Uruguay 12733

Mauritius 12690

Trinidad and Tobago 12297

Poland 12264

5 1 Antigua and Barbuda

52 Argentina

53 Saint Kitts and Nevis

54 Saudi Arabia

55 Croatia 1 1.792

Seychelles 1 1.784

Latvia 1 1. 197


59 South Africa10,585

60 Malaysia 10449

6 1 Botswana

62 Russia10,301

63 Mexico 9726

64 Libya

65 Costa Rica 9,427

66 Bulgaria

Brazil 8594

68 Grenada

69 Tunisia

70 Romania

Kazakhstan 7,859

72 Thailand

73 Iran

Macedonia * * * Republic of Macedonia 7 438

75 Turkey

76 Belarus

Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 035

78 Maldives

79 Tonga 6,877 people

Panama 6763

8 1 Colombia

82 Algeria

83 Belize

Namibia 6,625

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

86 Dominican Republic



89 Samoa

90 Ukraine

9 1 Dominica

92 Fiji

93 Suriname 587 1

94 People's Republic of China (PRC) 579 1

95 Lebanon

Cape Verde

97 Peru

98 Saint Lucia 5206

99 Swaziland

Serbia and Montenegro ** * People's Republic of China (PRC)

Venezuela 4,725

Philippines 4652

Guyana 4,625

Albania 4582

105 Jordan

El Salvador 4457

107 Azerbaijan

Paraguay 4,223

109 Sri Lanka

Jamaica 4,087

Morocco 4,080

Egypt 4,049

Guatemala 4048

Ecuador 3,979

1 15 Syria

Indonesia 3,661

Bhutan 3,289

Armenia 3,075


120 India

Bolivia 2,926

122 Georgia 2702

Vietnam 2,685

Honduras 2637

Angola 2,608

Nicaragua 2,582

127 Kiribati

Ghana 2,428

Pakistan 2,372

Zimbabwe 2,304

Sudan 2,21

132 Papua new guinea


134 Lesotho

Mauritania 2,042

136 Guinea 2024

137 Laos

138 Mongolia

139 Bangladesh


14 1 Kyrgyzstan * * and 1, 905.

Cameron 1.889

143 Chad

Senegal 1.825

Djibouti 1.8 17

Cambodia 1.775

147 Solomon islands

148 Uzbekistan

149 Comoros

150 Haiti

Sao Tome and Principe 1

152 Uganda

153 Myanmar

154 ivory coast

155 Togo

156 Nepal

Mozambique 1.365

Rwanda 1.274

159 Central African Republic

160 Burkina Faso

16 1 binning 1, 170

162 Republic of Congo * *

163 Kenya

Tajikistan 1.068

165 Eritrea

166 Nigeria 959

Mali 936

168 Zambia

Niger 857

Madagascar 847

17 1 Guinea Bissau 8 16

Burundi 762

173 Ethiopia

174 Yemen

Malawi 676

176 Tanzania

Democratic Republic of the Congo 639

Sailong 628

East Timor is not applicable.