Update table _ name set column = value [,column = value...] [where condition];
Some parts in [] may or may not be.
For example:
Update the student set stu_name = "Zhang San", stu_gender = "m "where stu _ id = 5;;
Extended data:
Summary of SQL modifying field properties:
1. Modify the field type in the table to modify the column type, whether it is empty or not)
Alter table[ table name ]alter column[ column name] type
2. Add fields to the table
Alter table[ table name ]add[ column name] type
3. Delete fields
Alter table[ table name ]drop column[ column name]
4. Add a primary key
Alter table[ table name ]add constraint[ constraint name] primary key ([column name])
5. Add a unique constraint
Alter table [table name] add constraint [constraint name] unique ([column name])
6. Add the default value of a column in the table.
Alter table[ table name ]add constraint[ constraint name ]default for[ column name].