An update can only modify fields in one table, but it can be associated with multiple tables to modify. I don't know what database you use.
Commonly used sqlserver formats are as follows:
Update table 1 set a. field 1 = B. field1,..., a. field n = B. field n comes from table 1 a, and table 2b is the associated field of two tables.
Commonly used oracle formats are as follows:
Update table 1 aset (a. field 1, ..., a. field n) = (select B. field 1, ..., B. Where does the field n (with two tables) of the associated field from table 2b exist (select/kloc from the associated field of table 2b)?
Note that what exists in oracle statements cannot be omitted, otherwise it will lead to data modification errors without corresponding relationship, or even report errors.