Some people added their own bank cards to Alipay's page, because they accidentally entered their bank card numbers wrong, so they couldn't detect yours. However, if the tag number is less, you will be prompted. If the card number does not match your name, there will be a prompt. This is generally not wrong.
The mobile phone number reserved by the bank is inconsistent with Alipay.
This is very important. If the mobile phone number bound by Alipay is inconsistent with the mobile phone number reserved by the bank, then it is definitely impossible to open fast payment. There are generally two ways to solve this problem.
First: Rebind Alipay's mobile phone number. ordinary
Second: individuals should bring relevant documents, such as ID cards and bank cards, to the bank counter.
Bank card online banking was not successfully opened.
When the bank card opens Alipay Express Payment, the bank card should open online banking. There are two problems here.
First: bank cards do not have online banking, so you must bring relevant documents to the business hall of the bank.
Second: the bank card has opened online banking, but it has not been activated in personal online banking. This situation exists, but just log in to the official website of the corresponding bank and ask the online customer service to know how to do it.