Ancona is currently ranked 4th in Italian Group C and Group B..
Arezzo is currently ranked 9th in Italian Group C and Group B..
Venice is currently ranked seventh in Italy's group C.
Verona is currently at the bottom of Italy's Group A, 18.
Perugia is currently ranked seventh in Italy's C B group.
The latest ranking of the second division.
Rank team name: all wins, draws and losses; All wins, draws and losses are points lost.
1 bologna (bologna) 28178339172261%29%1%65438
2 Abinurev 2817747 222561%25%14%1.68 0.7958
3. Granulation (Chevo) 2817 7452 32 2061%25%14%1.861.1458.
4 Lecce 28168 447 20 27 57% 29%14%1.68 0.75438+0.56.
5 Pizza 2816 84 48 2919 57% 29%14%1.71.0456
6 Brescia2816 644 24 20 57% 21%21%1.57 0.86 54
7 rimini 2813 78 39 2514 46% 25% 29%1.39 0.89 46
8 Mantova 2813 69 42 33 9 46% 21%32%1.501.18 45
9 ascoli (ascoli) 2810108372710 36% 36% 29%1.320.9640.
10 Mesner (messina) 281127 40-13 39% 21%39% 0.961.43 39.
1 1 Fesinlonny(los inno)28 10 7 1 1 38 42-4 36% 25% 39% 1.36 1.50 37。
12 Moden28810/0 4040029% 36% 36%1.431.4334
13 Bari 28 710132 42-10 25% 36% 39%1.141.50.
14 Triestina 28 7 9 12 29 43- 14 25% 32% 43% 1.04 1.54 30
15 Piacenza 2893162438-1432%11%57% 0.861.3630.
16 grosseto 28 61124 38-1421%39% 39% 0.861.36 29.
17 Tamiflu (Tamiflu) 2867152940-121%25% 54%1.041.4325.
18 Vicenza 28 51013 26 42-1618% 36% 46% 0.931.50 25
19 Spasia 28 41014 32 45-1314% 36% 50%1.14/kloc.
Avilino 28 5716 25 43-1818 25% 57% 0.891.54 22
2 1 cesena 28 3114 25 44-191%39% 50% 0.891.57 20.
La Junna (Lavaine)
Southampton is currently in the Championship 18.
Leeds United are currently ranked eighth in the English First Division.
Real Sociedad is currently ranked fourth in La Liga.
Kaiserslautern is currently ranked 16 in the German second division.
Ontehaxin is currently ranked 1 1 in the southern German league.