Short integers account for 4 bytes.
Long integers require 8 bytes (64 bits).
Double type takes up 8 bytes.
Long double type accounts for 16 bytes.
The above is my personal understanding, and the following is the range of data types:
Data type range
Integer [signed] int-2147483648 ~+2147483648
Unsigned integer unsigned [int] 0 ~ 4294967295
short integer short[int]-32768 ~ 32768
Unsigned short integer [int] 0 ~ 65535
Long Integer Long int-2 147483648 ~+2 147483648
Unsigned long integer unsigned [int] 0 ~ 4294967295
Character type [signed] char-128 ~+127
Unsigned characters of unsigned character type 0~255
Single-precision floating-point number 3.4x10 (-38) ~ 3.4x10 (+38)
Double1.7x10 (-308) ~1.7x10 (+308)
Long Shuang1.7x10 (-308) ~1.7x10 (+308)