//This method will get the date of each week of the year.
Function getXDate (year, week, working day) {
//Construct a date object of the specified year and set the date to 1+0 this year.
//Because the month in the computer starts from 0, there are several construction methods.
var date = new Date(year," 0 "," 1 ");
//Gets the long integer time of the date of the date object.
var time = date . gettime();
//Add this long shaping time to the time offset of the nth week.
//Because the first week is the current week, there are: weeks- 1, and so on.
//7*24*3600000 is the number of milliseconds in a week (the date in JS is accurate to milliseconds).
Time+= (weeks-1) * 7 * 24 * 3600000;
//Reset the date object to time and time.
Date.setTime (time);
Returns getNextDate (date, working day);
//This method will get the date (working day) of the week in which the date is located.
Function getNextDate(nowDate, weekday) (
//0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday. ...
weekDay % = 7;
var day = now date . getday();
var time = now date . gettime();
Var sub = working day-day;
time+= sub * 24 * 3600000;
NowDate.setTime (time);
Return immediately;
//Friday of week 1 2008
Alert ("Friday of week 1 in 2008 is" +getXDate(2008, 1, 5));
//Friday, May 20081
Alert ("Friday of the 5th1week in 2008 is"+getxdate (5 1 5, 2008));
& lt/script & gt;
= = = = = = = Save the following as a file in. Html format = = = = = = = =
& lthtml & gt
& lthead & gt
& ltmeta http-equiv = " Content-Type " Content = " text/html; charset=utf8 " >
& lt scripting language = "javascript">
//This method will get the date of each week of the year.
Function getXDate (year, week, working day) {
//Construct a date object of the specified year and set the date to 1+0 this year.
//Because the month in the computer starts from 0, there are several construction methods.
var date = new Date(year," 0 "," 1 ");
//Gets the long integer time of the date of the date object.
var time = date . gettime();
//Add this long shaping time to the time offset of the nth week.
//Because the first week is the current week, there are: weeks- 1, and so on.
//7*24*3600000 is the number of milliseconds in a week (the date in JS is accurate to milliseconds).
Time+= (weeks-1) * 7 * 24 * 3600000;
//Reset the date object to time and time.
Date.setTime (time);
Returns getNextDate (date, working day);
//This method will get the date (working day) of the week in which the date is located.
Function getNextDate(nowDate, weekday) (
//0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday. ...
weekDay % = 7;
var day = now date . getday();
var time = now date . gettime();
Var sub = working day-day;
time+= sub * 24 * 3600000;
NowDate.setTime (time);
Return immediately;
//Friday of week 1 2008
//alert ("Friday of week 1 in 2008 is" +getXDate(2008, 1, 5));
//Friday, May 20081
//alert ("Friday of the 5th1week in 2008 is"+getxdate (2008,51,5));
Function alertx(){
var y = document . getelementbyid(' y ')。 Value;
var w = document . getelementbyid(' w ')。 Value;
var d = document . getelementbyid(' d ')。 Value;
var date = getXDate(y,w,d);
Alert(Y+ "week" +w+ "week" +d+ "date is: \ n"+date. tolocalestring ());
& lt/script & gt;
& lt/head & gt;
& ltbody & gt& lt center & gt
& lth2 & gt the year, week and week found date entered.
& ltinput type = " text " name = " y " id = " y " size = " 6 " value = " 2008 "/& gt; The first year.
& lt input type = "text" name = "w" id = "w" size = "4" value = "1"/> what week is it?
& lt input type = "text" name = "d" id = "d" size = "3" value = "6"/> What day is it today?
& ltbutton onclick = " alertx();" & gt take a chance
& lt/body & gt;