Natsume Seiichi (school doctor)/Koizumi Kotaro
Drama series
January 2002 beginning/body/験hatsu-taiken = first experience/CX/Takanashi Step (21)
January 2002 issue of NURSEMAN = Showy male nurse/NTV/Asano Hiroyuki (24)
April 2002 issue of NURSEMAN = Happiness The tail of TBS / Seiji Nishiji (23)
October 2002 issue HOME&AWAY = Far from Home / CX / Nakamori Gakushu (25)
July 2003 issue Servantだけのマドンナ=My beautiful woman/CX/Nakano Takashi (24)
January 2004 issue Objection!/EX/Okahara Fumio
July 2005 issue SLOW DANCE=Love Slow Dance/CX/Yuta Yashima
January 2006 issue of ガチバカ! /TBS /Watanabe Yuanji
April 2006 issue アテンションプリーズAttention Please = Stewardess Special Training Class/CX / Tsutsumi Shusuke (27)
July 2006 issue のとき= When you don’t believe it/CX/Kondo Kei (26)
January 2007 issue of Hakusan’s character = dispatched character/NTV/Kensuke Satonaka
January 2007 issue of SP アテンションプリーズAttention Please スペシャル= Stewardess Special Training Class Special Chapter/CX/Shusuke Tsutsumi (27)
2007 April issue Hanayo Totoru=Bride and Dad/CX/Shunichi Narumi
October 1st (month) 11:55 ~ OA!
Japanese テレビ『おもいっきりイイ!! テレビ』 Every week water day パートナー
October 16th (fire) ) 26:28~スタート! フジテレビ『Kotaro Wキッチン』 Every Sunday night late at night
October 20th (Tu) 21:00~Broadcast
Turkey Asahi Earth Day Theater『 Fire Guard Captain Igarashi Dufu 6
~The Complete Secret Room Murder Case! The Golden Beauty's Loneliness (仮)』 Kurosaki Chief Tax Officer
October 26 Sun(Gold) 21:00~スタート! テレビAsahi "オトコの子久て" Maruyama Yosuke
-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------
bayfm78 『ANTENNA-K』 OA every Sunday from 21:00 to 22:00!
< レギュラー>
2007.10.16~ CX "Kotaro Wキッチン"
2007.10.1~ NTV "おもいっきりイイ!! テレビ"
2005.10.7~ bayfm78 "ANTENNA-K"
2007.4.10~2007.9.26 CX "Takeru = Kotaro"
2006.9~2007.3 CX "The Kotaro"
2005.4~2006.9 CX "Kotaro Hurasu"
2004.4~2005.3.29 CX "Kotaro Raman"
2003.3~2004.4 CX "Kotaro Raman"
< ドラマ>
2007.4~6 CX "Hanayo Toyo" (12 episodes in total)
2007.3.17 ABN Tuyao Toyo Theater
"Inflamed Guard Captain Igarashi Tatsuo 5~Human Beauty and Plastic Surgery Doctor Murder Report!" !~"
2007.1~3 NTV "ハケンの性" (10 episodes in total)
2007.1.13 CX 土曜プレミアム
"アテンションプリーズスペシャル~ハワイ ?ホノルル~》
2006.12.27 TBS Matsumoto Kiyoshi Hiroshima "Water Tower"
2006.7~9 CX "Don't believe it "ズ" (12 episodes in total)
2006.4~6 CX "アテンションプリーズ" (11 episodes in total)
2006.6.17 ANB Dojo Theater "Fire Guard Captain Igarashi Dufu 4"
< p>2006.1~3 TBS "ガチバカ" (10 episodes in total)2005.1~12 NHK Taiga Daluma "Yizu"
2005.10.31 TBS Tsukiyo Miyako Theater "Satomi Kotaro< /p>
Special Project "Night Thief" for the 50th Anniversary of Yun Neng Life"
2005.7.16 ANB Toyoro Theater "Fire Guard Captain Igarashi Toffo 3"
2005.7~ 9 CX 「スローダンス」
2004.6 CX 「ピンクヒップガール」(4 episodes in total)
2004.4.6 NTV 「ナースマン~あの男が帰ってきた!!~」< /p>
2004.3.20 ANB Doyoro Theater "Fire Guard Captain Igarashi Dufu 2"
2004.1~3 ANB "Objection" (9 episodes in total)
2003.10~11 NHK "転がしお银" (Total 8 episodes)
2003.7~9 CX "Servant" (Total 11 episodes)
2003.8.16 ANB 土曜ワイド Theater "Fire Guard Captain Igarashi Tatsuo"
2002.10~12 CX "ホーム&アウェイ" (11 episodes in total)
2002.10.11 CX 金曜エンターテイメント "wall ぎわtax officer Raku appears"
2002.9.9 TBS "Crazy Fruit 2002"
2002.4~6 TBS "しあわせのシッポ" (12 episodes in total)
2002.1~ 3 CX "Hatsu/Ti/験" (11 episodes in total)
2002.1~3 NTV "ナースマン" (10 episodes in total)
< テレビ>
2006.12.7 CX 「とんねるずのみなさんのおかげでした」
2006.11.22 ANB 「爱のエプロン」
2006.11.18?25 CX「カワズ君の検 Solve Life》< /p>
2006.1.2 CX 「クイズ$ミリオネア2006 正月スペシャル」
2006.1.1 ANB 「Shimura?SOの戦うお正月
踸能界 secret ライバなき Top Showdown 2006"
2005.12.30 CX "Ehara Kei's スペシャル
天国からのToilet~Death of the Family からのメッセージ~"
2005.10. 9 NTV "The first episode in the history of the Legal Counseling Office
偁 Nurse's interview with the law! Autumn Koizumi Theater スペシャル!!"
2004.7.3 TBS " チューボーですよ"
2004.4.28 NTV "ザ? The world looks up to the sky ニュース"
2004.4.8 NTV "ダウンタウンDX"
2004.1.8 NTV "ダウンタウン DX"
2003.11.15 NTV "爱のから騒ぎ"
2002.10.21 CX "SMAP× SMAP "
2002.9.30 CX" Smile い い い とも! Autumn no festival "
2002.6.17 TBS" Tokyo フレ ン ド ー ク II "
2002.2.14 CX 「とんねるずのみなさんのおかげでした」
2002.1.8 CX 「Laughter!」
< ラジオ>
2004.1.2 1 LF 「北岛 Saburo's Yuan気だせニッポン"
< CM >
カルビー Co., Ltd.
DHC Co., Ltd. "DHC for MEN"
Refined Sugar Industry "MEN'S PRESSY" August issue
< Movies>
2005.5.7 Released "Justice for the Enemy"
2003.12.20 Released "踊る大捜朜线BAYSIDE SHAKEDOWN 2"
2003.7.19 Released "踊る大捜朜线THE MOVIE 2 レインボー" ブリッジを无码せよ!」
- -Koizumi’s son...otz