(1) Smooth tongue is also called nipple atrophy, which makes the tongue surface red and smooth, similar to the "mirror tongue" in traditional Chinese medicine.
(2) Wrinkled tongue is also called scrotal tongue and cracked tongue, which is characterized by many radial or irregular grooves on the back of the tongue, making the tongue look like scrotal folds, hence the name. This disease is mostly congenital developmental defect, which is more common in infants and is related to heredity. However, patients with vitamin B deficiency or myxedema can also have typical tongue wrinkling. The former does not need treatment, and the latter should be treated according to the cause.
(3) Map tongue is a benign inflammatory disease with unknown causes, which is more common in boys and children. It is characterized by the reduction of filiform papillae on the lingual surface, forming irregular or map-like, red in color and clear in boundary. Generally, there are no conscious symptoms, and patients themselves are not easy to detect. The course of the disease can last for months to years, and most of them can be relieved naturally, without adverse consequences and without treatment.
(4) The black hairy tongue is characterized by the proliferation and hyperkeratosis of filiform papillae, and with the effect of pigment produced by bacteria or fungi, the local pigment increases, making the tongue surface black or brownish gray, which is generally asymptomatic. This disease is more common in middle age, and the cause is unknown. Some are related to taking medicine, such as some antibiotics or drugs for treating ulcers, and some are related to smoking and generally do not need treatment.
(5) Stiff tongue, also known as short lingual frenulum, is mainly due to the short lingual frenulum, which limits the range of activities of the tongue and affects speech, and is caused by developmental defects. If the normal function of the tongue is obviously affected, surgical correction can be considered.
(6) Giant tongue, that is, the volume of tongue increases. This disease may be caused by many reasons. People with congenital dysplasia do not need treatment; It is caused by hemangioma, lymphangioma and neurofibroma. Can be treated by surgery; Patients with hypothyroidism or amyloidosis should actively treat the primary disease.
(7) Tongue pain belongs to the same category as tongue coating and tongue fever, and it is a subjective sensory abnormality of the tongue. Common in middle-aged and elderly women, or local pain, burning sensation, or local fever, different in nature and degree, the tip of the tongue is the most sensitive. Fatigue, drinking or irritating food can aggravate discomfort, and there is no abnormality in oral examination. This disease is mostly related to mental factors, and may also be accompanied by systemic diseases, such as pernicious anemia and niacin deficiency. On the one hand, it is necessary to carry out necessary examinations to find and treat systemic diseases in time; At the same time, it is necessary to relieve the patient's worries and maintain a good mood. Take Chinese medicine treatment when necessary.
What are the types of glossitis and how to prevent it? Map tongue, hairy tongue, groove tongue, median rhomboid glossitis, lingual papillitis and atrophic glossitis can all have pathological changes such as vascular congestion, lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration, which can be included in glossitis. The purpose of drawing a tongue diagram is to peel off the nipple of the tongue and form a shape like a diagram. Patients generally have no conscious symptoms and no special treatment. If there is irritating pain, they can get corresponding treatment. Grooved tongue, also known as cleft tongue, generally does not need treatment. Care should be taken to keep the mouth clean. Patients with pain should be cleaned first and then treated accordingly. Tongue coating is a non-specific chronic inflammation. It is named after the delayed exfoliation of keratinized epithelium of filiform papilla on the back of tongue and the formation of villi by proliferating filiform papilla. Most of them are due to long-term use of food, drugs and antibiotics, smoking and other changes in the oral environment. It mostly occurs in the back 2/3 of the tongue or in the middle of the tongue, and can be dyed to form a red hairy tongue and a black hairy tongue, just like a wheat wave lodging, and the hair length is more than1mm. If it is too long, it can also stimulate the soft palate and cause itching or nausea. The central part of black tongue coating is darker and the surrounding color is lighter. The patient has no obvious discomfort, normal tongue movement, and can fall off by itself within a few weeks. No special treatment. Try to find out the cause, deal with the symptoms, keep your mouth clean, quit smoking, or apply nystatin locally. In the middle, rhomboid glossitis usually occurs in rhomboid or rhomboid, round or oval lesions in front of the blind hole of the tongue and the midline of the back of the tongue (that is, in front of the herringbone groove), with a diameter of about 1cm, red in color and obvious boundary with surrounding tissues. Sometimes the local area is nodular and difficult to reach, but the base is soft and does not need treatment. You can gargle with chlorhexidine solution. Tongue papillae include filiform papillae, fungoid papillae, contour papillae and phylloid papillae. Filamentous papillitis is atrophic glossitis. Mushroom nipple is located in front of the tongue and at the tip of the tongue. During inflammation, the mushroom-like nipple is congested, red and swollen, and the swollen nipple has a burning sensation, especially when eating overheated and spicy food. The etiology is unknown, which is related to vitamin B deficiency, anemia and local stimulation such as mouthwash, food, physics and chemistry. Contour papillitis occasionally occurs, with swollen and red nipples and local swelling and discomfort. The human lobular papillae has degenerated and is located on both sides of the tongue margin in the form of folds, close to the pharynx. Inflammation occurs under the influence of pharyngeal inflammation and sharp stimulation. At this time, the lobular papilla folds are deepened, red and swollen, and the tongue moves with pain, including irritation and burning sensation. Attention should be paid to distinguish it from the malignant tumor that happened here. In order to eliminate the local irritation in the treatment of phyllodes papillitis, prednisolone suspension can be injected. Atrophic glossitis, also known as smooth tongue, is a chronic inflammation of filiform nipple. In the case of vitamin B deficiency, anemia, fungal infection or other systemic diseases, the filamentous papilla shrinks, the back of the tongue is smooth and red, while the fungoid papilla is prominent and red. In severe cases, the fungiform papillae also atrophy, and the tongue surface has no tongue coating, burning sensation, sensitivity to external stimuli, and small area erosion or ulcer often occurs due to injury. Rhomboid glossitis and tongue contour papillitis are often suspected as tumors by patients, so we should pay attention to differential diagnosis and biopsy if necessary. Malignant tumor may occur in the place where glossitis occurs, and it should be excluded before treatment.
What factors can cause tongue pain? In addition to glossitis such as map tongue, furrow tongue and papillitis, or glossalgia caused by trigeminal neuralgia, patients complain of glossalgia clinically, but no positive signs can be found, and the histopathology is uncharacteristic, and the softness and mobility of the tongue are normal, which is called glossalgia. This disease often disappears temporarily when the patient concentrates on a certain job. The tongue has burning pain, dull pain and acupuncture pain, but it has no effect on language and diet. Besides tongue pain, other oral mucosa also has burning pain, which is called burning mouth syndrome. There are many possible factors leading to tongue pain. General malaise, such as endocrine, metabolic disorder, vitamin B deficiency and other reasons, especially menopausal women often complain of irregular tongue pain, accompanied by discomfort in other parts of the body. When patients suspect that there is a "tumor" in their pharynx, or in some cases, when they see their swollen lobular papillae and contour papillae, they will have fear, and then feel discomfort or pain in their tongues. In order to observe the illness carefully, they frequently stick out their tongues and open their mouths, which makes the muscles at the base of the tongue tired and uncomfortable, thus aggravating the discomfort of the tongue. Due to local stimulation, such as sharp teeth and inappropriate denture base. Or two different metal restorations on the same side of the mouth, the weak current stimulation generated when the upper and lower jaws are opposite may also cause mild tongue pain. First of all, we should carefully check the tongue and the whole mouth to rule out tongue pain caused by other diseases. If no positive signs are found, we should patiently explain to the patient, eliminate the patient's fear, and check regularly, so that the patient can put down the mental burden and the symptoms of tongue pain will be alleviated. If necessary, oryzanol 10mg can be taken orally three times a day; Or local sealing with 0.5%~ 1% procaine solution; For women with menopausal symptoms, it is best to try estrogen therapy.