1. Use salt. After washing your hands in warm water, pour a little salt into your palm, soak it in one or two drops of water, and then gently rub your hands. As you said, when the tiger's mouth is dry, rub it for a while, and then rinse it with clear water. At this time, you will feel that your hands are tender. Finally, make a hand mask. I use it very civilian, too Olive oil and honey are super awesome. Apply it to your hands and massage for a while. Wash it with plastic wrap or disposable gloves for ten minutes.
2. Use yogurt. I like this method very much, because the effect is immediate. When drinking yogurt, there is usually a thick layer of cheese-like yogurt on the back of the lid, so I use that to make it. Spread your hands evenly, massage while spreading, and slowly you will find that you can rub off the white stripes. In fact, you have aged horniness on your hands. Just rub it carefully, rub it in the tiger's mouth for a while, and then wash it with warm water when it is completely dry and can't be wiped off, and then apply thick hand cream.
Hand cream I recommend Baique Ling's vaseline moisturizer, which is also known as Baique Ling's butter. Very good, good absorption effect, moisturizing.