This is the version cheating problem of the self-made system, which is easy to solve.
Note: When upgrading a 5.50GEN or 5.50 Pumi system, the system version number is 9.90. Please press Select first to bring up the VSH menu of XMB interface. Change the reading mode from memory stick to flash0. And then put
The PSP is connected to the computer. Open the only notepad version.txt in the etc folder and change the first line from 9.90 to 5.50. Disconnect the computer, bring up the VSH menu again, and change flash0 back to the memory stick.
Note: Don't touch, cut or delete any files in it, or the PSP will become brick.
If you have any questions about PSP, please ask me for help (my browser can't answer the questions). You can also listen to my Tencent Weibo @ shinxpz. If there are no questions, please accept!