Two surgical methods to remove eye bags quickly and accurately! You can choose according to your own situation~
External incision to remove eye bags (suitable for older people with severe skin laxity and obvious eye bags) -
The method is to do it along the bottom of the eyelashes Minimally invasive small incisions of 1-2mm will leave almost no scars after recovery. Excess fat can be removed while loose skin can be removed and local wrinkles can be reduced.
Recovery process There will be mild edema, pain and discomfort 3 to 5 days after surgery, and it will take about 7-10 days to return to nature
The time to achieve the final effect is 3-6 days after surgery Months
The effect lasts for most people and the effect is permanent
Seamless removal of eye bags (suitable for younger people with good skin elasticity and less serious eye bags)——
1. Endotomy method: The incision is selected in the center of the lower palpebral conjunctival sac, parallel to the long axis of the lower tarsal plate, about 1cm long, without any incision marks on the skin surface.
Recovery process: stitches are removed 5-7 days after surgery, natural recovery takes 1-3 months, and the effect is stable after half a year
The time to achieve the final effect is 6 months after surgery
The effect lasts for a long time for most people
2. Laser lipolysis method: The fat in the eye bags is liquefied by laser, and then blasted with heat to dissolve it and repair the elastic fibers at the same time. It can effectively remove eye bags and repair wrinkles at the same time.
Recovery process 2-3 days after treatment is the swelling period, and you can wash your face normally after 3 days
The time to achieve the final effect is 1-3 months after treatment
Effect Lasting time: Most people have long-lasting effects