//? Pass in two integers, compare them, and return the maximum of the two numbers.
Public? int? get(int? num 1,int? num2){
Return? Math.max(num 1,? num 2);
//? A method of passing in three double-precision data, comparing them, and returning the smallest of the three numbers.
Public? Double? Get (double? dou 1,double? dou2,double? dou3){
Return? Math.min(Math.min(dou 1,? dou2)、dou 3);
//? Pass in an integer and return the single digits of the integer.
Public? int? get(int? num){
Return? num % 10;
//? A method of passing in an integer and adding the cube of the integer back.
Public? int? get 1(int? num){
Return? (int)? Math.pow(num,3);
//Pass in a positive integer. How to calculate the sum added to this integer from 1? For example, if you enter a 5, you will calculate 1+2+3+4+5= 15, and finally return 15.
Public? int? get2(int? num){
int? x? =? 0;
For what? (int? Me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt=? num? i++)? {
x? +=? Me;
Return? x;
//Pass in an integer array and return the sum of all the data in this integer array.
Public? int? get(int[]? num){
int? x? =? 0;
For what? (int? Me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? Number length; ? i++)? {
x? +=? num[I];
Return? x;
//? Pass in an integer array and return the method of the largest value in this integer array.
Public? int? get 1(int[]? num){
int? x? =? num[0];
For what? (int? Me? =? 0; ? Me? & lt? Number length; ? i++)? {
x? =? Math.max(x,num[I]);
Return? x;