Create a new database in any directory, such as student.
Command: sqlite3 student.db
The following prompt will appear:
Enter the sql statement create table user (user name text primary key, password text); Building user table
Enter sql statement insert into user values ("Bao Li", "123"); Insert a piece of data.
Enter the sql statement select * from user to view the user table.
Enter the sql statement delete from user, where username =' Bao Li'; Delete the specified record.
Note: Enter the sql command to remember the ending'; Number.
2.SQLite supports the following five data types
1.NULL: null.
2.INTEGER: signed integer, depending on the range of stored numbers.
3. Real number: floating point number, stored as 8-byte IEEE floating point number.
4. Text: string text.
5. Binary objects.
3. Some common commands
View all data tables of the current database:. table
View all current databases:. database
Open or create a table: sqlite3test.db
Visually open the database: sqlitebrowserstudent.db
Note: required: sudoapt-get install SQLite browser.
How to use' open the database.' The db' suffix executes sql together with the sqlite3 command in Centos6.5?
Label: bordercentos6.5 deletes reftps and creates the suffix oneinto.