In Winfreyd's TV interview, he admitted it himself.
In the history of Michael's plastic surgery, we can also see the shadows of some other artists. As a perfectionist, after he first tasted the benefits of plastic surgery (in the early 1980s, his plastic surgery was very successful), he hoped to try to have the most beautiful eyes in the world (but MJ's eyes were never fixed), lips and chin. These inspirations come from artists such as Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor and Allen Delong. Of course, in the end, it was overcorrected, which led to the current distortion. Abnormal skin color is caused by the outbreak of vitiligo. MJ's vitiligo began in the 1970s and reached 9 1. He was whiter than white people. In fact, the disease is very painful, and he can't bask in the sun and his eyes can't be stimulated by strong light (so MJ often wears umbrellas and sunglasses when he goes out, not to be funny and cool, but to protect himself). Let's take a look at what MJ said: "First of all, I have a skin disease and my skin pigment is damaged, which is beyond my control. But some people say that I am ashamed of black people, and I am very sad! This is a hereditary disease in my family, and my father said it was handed down from his family. I can't help it, and I don't understand. I mean, it makes me sad. I don't want to discuss my medical history here because it is private, but it is the actual situation. " Michael
Jackson, I'm tired of being manipulated. This oppression is real! They are liars and history books are full of lies. You know, all pop music, from jazz to rock to hip hop, to dance music, is composed by black people! But this has been forced into the corner of history books! You've never seen a black man on the cover. You will only see Elvis Presley and the Rolling Stones, but who is the real pioneer? Since I broke the record-I broke Elvis Presley's record, I broke the Beatles' record-then what? They call me a freak, a homosexual, a freak who sexually molests children! They said I bleached my skin and tried my best to discredit me. These are all conspiracies! When I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself, I knew that I was black!