Don’t believe these people. Most of them scare people into paying for medical treatment. If you are often deceived, you will learn health knowledge on your own, protect yourself, and have less contact with hospitals. If you can’t afford to go, now that technology is advanced, Sometimes instruments can also confuse you. Doctors can only speak based on the test results, so when it comes to health first, you cannot say whether you believe it or not. If you are really sick, you have to go to the hospital and listen to the doctor. No, now you can look up any disease online and the treatment methods are no secret. I used to take my younger brother everywhere to seek medical treatment. When I met a doctor, he always treated my younger brother free of charge. As a result, he said he was interested in me, but because of my younger brother's illness, he didn't dare to do it anymore. They quoted me 150,000 yuan, but actually 70,000 yuan was enough. Another time I went to see a doctor. The doctor saw that my daughter was of mixed race and thought that marrying a foreigner would be rich. He prescribed medicine for 1,600 yuan. I went home without paying. I checked online and found that I could just take 10 yuan of medicine. Thank you for asking. I I am a person who rarely goes to the hospital all year round. I only go to the doctor unless I feel particularly uncomfortable. Doctors are not gods. You have to be discerning in everything. I remember that my child once had some red spots on his body when he was a child. At that time, he went to two hospitals. I saw that the first rash was said to be chickenpox, but there wasn’t much on my body, so I asked him to give me an injection. I felt something was wrong at the time, so I asked him to check first to see if it was possible, and then he went to the second rash to have a look. The doctors at the two rash clinics said it was an allergy and that they could just buy some moxa leaves and wash it off. Then they bought a few yuan of moxa leaves and washed her for two or three days. It was really cured. Nowadays, many doctors in rash clinics are not as ethical as they think. Especially doctors in the fourth tier and rural cities are here to make money, so many people with small rashes just give infusions at every turn, which makes them speechless. Therefore, under certain circumstances, they still have some problems. The degree of discrimination is good, especially for children's conditions, and infusions cannot be given randomly. In my opinion, practitioners who obtain a physician professional qualification certificate need at least four years of undergraduate study and more than two years of internship experience. I don’t think I can question their six years of knowledge accumulation just by selectively reading random articles on the Internet. In fact, any inconspicuous disease may cause death or disability. Many people die from the common flu every year, but not everyone will die from the common cold. There are tens of millions of lung cancer patients every year, and a large number of them do not smoke or drink, and maintain healthy living habits. There are also many people who smoke and drink and live to be a hundred years later.