Contents Method 1: Change your diet 1. Increase your iodine intake under the advice of your doctor. 2. Eat enough food to maintain a healthy weight and prevent testosterone from declining. 3. Reduce alcohol intake and maintain hormone balance. Method 2: Change your lifestyle 1. Confirm with your doctor whether gynecomastia is a side effect of the drug. 2. It is recommended that obese people lose weight. 3. Do not use illegal drugs. 4. Avoid products made from vegetable oils as they can increase estrogen. 5. Consider wearing a sports bra to make your chest appear flatter. 6. The above methods will take some time to see results, so be patient. 7. Choose plastic surgery only after medical reasons have been ruled out. Method 3: Seek medical treatment 1. See a doctor to rule out the possibility of other diseases. 2. If you have other worrying symptoms, it is recommended to see a doctor. 3. Show your doctor the medications and supplements you currently take. 4. Get a blood test to check for any underlying diseases. 5. Under the doctor’s advice, have a mammography examination. 6. If necessary, perform a biopsy to obtain a diagnosis. Gynecomastia refers to hormonal imbalance leading to the proliferation of male breast tissue. Many men around the world are troubled by this problem. Gynecomastia is normal during puberty and usually resolves on its own. There are also conditions and medications that can cause gynecomastia, including chemotherapy, radiation, steroids, alcohol, and marijuana. You can improve the condition naturally by changing your diet and lifestyle. If your symptoms are severe, or if your breast development is caused by medication, be sure to talk to your doctor before starting treatment on your own.
Method 1: Change your diet
1. Increase your iodine intake on the advice of your doctor. The thyroid gland requires iodine to synthesize hormones. Gynecomastia is often caused by a hormone imbalance, and getting more iodine in the diet may help hormone synthesis. However, it's best to have your doctor check your iodine levels first. Make sure the salt you consume contains iodine, and eat more fish, dairy products, grains and seaweed.
2. Eat enough food to maintain a healthy weight and prevent testosterone from declining. If you restrict your caloric intake, the ratio of testosterone to estrogen may become imbalanced, causing gynecomastia. Meet the caloric needs of your age group. Most men need about 2,500 calories a day to maintain weight, but this may vary depending on your age and activity level. Nutrition is also important. Your diet needs to be made up of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
3. Reduce alcohol intake and maintain hormone balance. Alcohol affects the hormone balance in the body. It's best not to drink alcohol at all, or at least to drink in moderation, which means no more than 1-2 alcoholic drinks per day.
Method 2: Change your lifestyle
1. Confirm with your doctor whether gynecomastia is a side effect of the drug. Some medications can cause gynecomastia. Don't stop taking the medicine without authorization. Your doctor can switch you to another medicine that won't cause gynecomastia. Drugs that may cause gynecomastia include antibiotics, HIV drugs, heart disease drugs, anabolic steroids and androgens, anti-androgens, chemotherapy drugs, and tricyclic antidepressants.
2. It is recommended that obese people lose weight. Obesity and gynecomastia are closely related. If your body mass index (BMI) is over 25, your chance of developing gynecomastia is 80%. In addition to ensuring a healthy diet, arrange 150 minutes of exercise each week. Aerobic exercise is especially helpful for weight loss and improving gynecomastia. Talk to your doctor or registered dietary therapist about the best weight loss method for you.
3. Do not use illegal drugs. Using illegal drugs or using drugs in illegal ways increases the chance of developing gynecomastia. Drugs that may cause this to occur include heroin, marijuana, steroids, and amphetamines.
4. Avoid using products made from vegetable oils because they will increase estrogen. Some plant-based oils may aggravate gynecomastia, such as lavender oil or tea tree oil. They can affect estrogen levels in the body, so check your lotions, shampoos and soaps to see if they contain them.
5. Consider wearing a sports bra to make your chest appear flatter. Gynecomastia is usually not a major medical problem and is not harmful to health. If you're worried about compromising your appearance, consider wearing a sports bra under your sweats to make your chest look flatter. Most sports bras come in standard sizes, such as small, medium, and large, regardless of bust or cup size, so you should have no trouble finding one that suits you.
6. The above methods will take some time to see results, so be patient. Gynecomastia usually resolves on its own, especially if you're in puberty. You can talk to your doctor, but they usually recommend waiting for it to heal on its own. It usually improves gradually over 3 years.
7. Choose plastic surgery only after medical reasons have been ruled out. If gynecomastia is not caused by a medical cause, you may consider plastic surgery to remove the excess breast tissue. Plastic surgery is a common procedure that has become increasingly common among men in recent years. Ask your doctor if plastic surgery is right for you.
Method 3: Seek medical treatment
1. Go to the doctor to rule out the possibility of other diseases.
Your doctor can identify the underlying causes of gynecomastia and help you better address your symptoms. Some diseases can cause gynecomastia and must be treated appropriately with the help of a doctor. Once your doctor finds the cause, you can choose the most appropriate treatment option based on your needs. Potential conditions that doctors can treat include Klinefelter syndrome, cystic fibrosis, ulcerative colitis, chronic kidney disease, thyroid disease and liver problems.
2. If you have other worrying symptoms, it is recommended to see a doctor. Gynecomastia is usually nothing to worry about, but sometimes it can be a sign of a serious problem. If gynecomastia is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, be sure to see your doctor right away: Breast swelling or tenderness.
Breast or nipple pain.
There is discharge from one or both nipples.
Enlargement of only one breast or a lump in one breast may be a sign of breast cancer.
3. Show your doctor the medications and supplements you currently take. Some medications and supplements can cause gynecomastia, so be sure to let your doctor know about your current medications. You can make a list of them, preferably with the pill bottles. Don’t forget to write down the dosage!
4. Conduct blood tests to confirm whether there are any underlying diseases. Blood tests can confirm whether gynecomastia is caused by a specific disease or medication. This is a fairly simple diagnostic test that is almost painless and can be done in the clinic. Your doctor will also check your testosterone levels with a blood test. Low testosterone levels may trigger gynecomastia.
Blood tests can rule out conditions such as kidney disease and drug side effects.
5. Under the doctor’s advice, perform a mammography examination. Your doctor may ask you to have a mammogram to confirm the cause of gynecomastia. You may think that mammograms are only for women, but men can do them too. Doctors can use it to examine the breast tissue of men and women, which is of great help in preventing and diagnosing diseases such as breast cancer. The examination may cause some discomfort.
6. If necessary, perform a biopsy to obtain a diagnosis. If your doctor cannot identify the underlying cause of gynecomastia, he or she may take a sample of your breast tissue and examine it under a microscope to confirm the underlying cause. The doctor will administer local anesthesia to reduce your discomfort during the examination. You may feel some discomfort.
Tips: You may feel embarrassed, but gynecomastia is normal.
The incidence of neonatal gynecomastia is 60-90% and usually resolves on its own within a few weeks.