1 Soften butter, add salt and powdered sugar and mix well ~ Add whole egg liquid twice and mix well ~
2 Add low-gluten almond powder and stir into balls, then add peanuts and knead into balls ~
3 put it in a circle and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Take out the slice ~
4 oven 150 degrees 15 minutes ~
Matcha marble biscuit
1 Soften butter, add powdered sugar and mix well. Add the egg mixture twice and stir well ~
2 Sift in low-gluten almond powder and knead it into dough ~
3. Add one third of the primary color dough to the matcha flour dough ~
4 Primary color dough street is divided into 3 strips of matcha dough, and 2 strips of matcha dough are respectively stacked in the middle of the primary color strips ~ then the whole dough is arranged in a circle ~ frozen for 20 minutes to shape ~
5 oven 150 degrees 15 minutes or so ~
Grape souffle biscuit
1 Soften butter, add powdered sugar and egg yolk and mix well ~
2 Sieve in low-gluten milk powder almond powder? Add raisins and knead ~
Freeze 3 packs of plastic wrap in the refrigerator 10 minute. Take it out, knead it into a ball, flatten it, put it in a baking tray, and put oil paper on it ~
4 oven 155 degrees for 20 minutes ~
Bear hug almond cookies
1 Soften butter, add powdered sugar and mix well.
Add a small amount of whole egg liquid several times in 2 minutes and mix well ~
3 Sift in the low-gluten flour dough, divide it into 2 parts, and knead one part with cocoa powder ~
4. Freeze the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, set it, take it out, press out the bear with a mold, put it in a baking tray covered with oil paper, then press the expression and hug the almond ~
5 oven 150 degrees 15 minutes
Diamond coffee biscuit
1 Soften butter, add powdered sugar and mix well. Add a small amount of whole egg liquid several times and mix well ~
2 Sieve in the low-gluten coffee powder, knead it evenly, wrap it with plastic wrap, put it into a triangle, freeze it for 20 minutes, and set it ~
3 take out the brush thin egg white liquid. Dip sugar on three sides and start slicing ~
4 Put it in a baking tray 150 degrees 15 minutes.
Earl black tea biscuit
1 When the butter becomes soft, add powdered sugar and stir well. Add a small amount of whole egg liquid several times and mix well ~
2 Sift in low-gluten flour, Earl black tea powder, mix well and knead into dough ~
Arrange them in a rectangle and put them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
4 take out the slice 150 degrees 15 minutes ~