People don't know why God is angry. They all burn incense and kowtow at home, begging God not to rain again. Just as people were begging for help, the dragon appeared in the rain, only to see it bared its teeth and said to people: If people don't send pigs, cows and sheep where it said, it will make trouble and flood crops. People are afraid and have to agree. When the dragon saw that he agreed, he accepted the spell and waited for a good meal. After the dragon left, people had to send livestock year after year. In a few years, all the livestock were eaten up by the dragon, and the dragon still wants it every day, and the appetite is getting bigger and bigger. People sigh and frown, but there is nothing they can do.
One day, an old man with a white beard and a beggar came here. After listening to people's stories, he said to people, "This is an evil dragon. We can no longer call it evil. We should get rid of it. " When he said this, people were very happy, but immediately hesitated: can such an old man get rid of the dragon? You can't hurt him. The old man didn't wait for people to say it, as if he had read their minds. He insisted, "I can get rid of it, as long as you send more livestock and good wine tonight." Don't worry about me. "
When it gets dark, that is, when food is given to dragons, people do as the old man says. The dragon was hungry. Seeing so many things, he opened his mouth and ate and drank. It was really gone, and soon he was full and fell asleep. At this time, the old man came out of the crowd, reached out and took out a finger-shaped tower from his pocket and covered the dragon. Strange to say, the tower becomes very big when it sees the wind, and the dragon is still dreaming.
People were shocked to see this scene. When they remembered to thank the old man, he had already left. They shouted everywhere, only to hear someone talking overhead. When they looked up, it was an old man, and people shouted and knelt down to kowtow. I heard the old man say in mid-air, "I was sent by the Jade Emperor to get rid of dragons. The dragon was pinned down by the tower and will never do evil again. You can plant crops with confidence and live a good life in the future. " Then he disappeared. This is the origin of Longquan Tower.