1. It is necessary to distinguish between skeletal and dental crotia. The former is caused by the overdevelopment of the mandible or the underdevelopment of the maxilla, and the latter is caused by some misalignment of the teeth. , the correction of dental and mild skeletal dystropia has a certain effect, but the correction effect is not good for skeletal dystropia that exceeds mild skeletal or above (moderate to severe skeletal dystropia). Well, you need to wait until adulthood to use "combined orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment."
2. Your age needs to be diagnosed first. In addition, if it is skeletal dysplasia, the mandible will continue to grow at your current age, so the correction may recur and rebound. Correction has a relatively high recurrence rate, which you need to understand and be mentally prepared for.
3. Since you already wear braces, you should actively complete the current stage of treatment. Other possibilities are things in the future, and we will have to deal with changes in the future. After the correction is completed, you must actively wear a retainer to maintain it, otherwise it is easy to relapse.
4. After correction, the lips may become more normal. However, this question has a lot to do with whether your lip is dental or bony, so I cannot give a further clear answer. .
For more knowledge about Di Baotian and help with orthodontic treatment, please go to the Tieba forum for help.