We all know that the metamorphosis of a butterfly goes through a long process, from an egg to a caterpillar, and after a period of time, it spins silk and spins a cocoon. Then after a long period of time, a hole is made in the cocoon, and the body is dragged out of the small mouth with difficulty. Each transformation must go through torture and all kinds of pain, and it can transform into a butterfly and dance gracefully.
Everyone wants to succeed. They must be like a butterfly, going through the pain and suffering of emerging from a cocoon to become a butterfly, in order to show their own light. Anyone who wants to succeed should have a strong willpower to restrain themselves. , to be unafraid of difficulties, persevere, and move forward courageously is our own transformation.
Each of us should have our own goals. Goals are the support point of the spiritual world and a force that drives people forward. With this kind of power, you can control yourself and constantly strive to make yourself stronger and braver. There will be setbacks and failures. Get up again after you fall. Give yourself enough confidence and believe that your persistence can reap happiness and success. Laughing.
You must also maintain an optimistic attitude. You must always face the difficulties you encounter with an optimistic attitude. Always say to yourself "I can do it, I can get it" to motivate yourself, stick to your beliefs, and learn to Only by enjoying hardships and constantly moving towards the goal can you have the opportunity to turn your cocoon into a butterfly and move towards the glory of life!