The standard for military disability assessment is based on the severity of the injury. Different injury standards have different levels of disability, and the amount of subsidies that can be obtained is also different. , and the disability assessment of the military is also assessed by specialized departments of the military.
(1) Those who have one of the following disabilities, organ loss or complete loss of function, other organs cannot compensate, special medical dependence and complete nursing dependence, are classified as Level 1: 1. Vegetative state; 2 .Extremely severe mental retardation; 3. Quadriplegia with muscle strength level 3 or tripeplegia with muscle strength level 2; 4. Severe movement disorder; 5. Loss of both elbow joints or complete loss of function; 6. High position of both lower limbs and one upper limb Missing; 7. Complete loss of function of more than 5 joints in the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee joints; 8. Scars all over the body accounting for >90% of the body surface area, and dysfunction of more than 6 joints in the large joints of the limbs; 9. Removal of both eyes; 10 .No light perception in both eyes or only light perception but inaccurate light positioning; 11. Complete defect of the upper and lower mandibles on both sides; 12. Grade IV dyspnea, requiring life-long dependence on mechanical ventilation; 13. More than 90% of the small intestine resection; 14. Chronic renal insufficiency (uremia stage) for more than 6 months requires lifelong hemodialysis maintenance treatment. (2) Those who have one of the following disabilities, serious organ defects or malformations, severe dysfunction or complications, and special medical dependence and most nursing dependence are classified as Level 2: 1. Severe mental retardation; 2. Posterior cranial syndrome Complete paralysis of nerves on both sides; 3. Triplegia with muscle strength level 3 or paraplegia or hemiplegia with muscle strength level 2; 4. Organic mental disorder or schizophrenia, although the ability to work, live and socialize is still basically lost after systemic treatment. ; 5. Both forearms are missing or the functions of both hands are completely lost; 6. Both lower limbs are missing in high positions; 7. Both knees and ankles are stiff in non-functional positions or their functions are completely lost; 8. Four joints of the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints Complete loss of function; 9. Scars all over the body accounting for >80% of the body surface area, and more than 4 joints in the large joints of the limbs are dysfunctional; 10. Full facial scars and severe disfigurement; 11. One eye has or has no light perception, and the corrected visual acuity of the other eye is ≤0.02 Or the visual field of both eyes is ≤8% (or the radius is ≤5°); 12. Corrected visual acuity of both eyes 13. Complete loss of the maxillary bones on both sides or the mandible on both sides; 14. Complete loss of the maxillary bone on one side and the mandibular bone on the opposite side; 15. Lungs Severe functional impairment, dyspnea grade IV, requiring oxygen therapy to maintain life; 16. Unable to undergo esophageal reconstruction after esophageal injury, and relying on gastrostomy or jejunostomy for feeding; 17. After double lung or combined heart-lung transplantation; 18. Chronic heart function level IV; 19. Ineffective treatment of malignant ventricular tachycardia; 20. After small intestine transplantation; 21. Liver resection ≥ 3/4 or bile duct injury, and severe liver function impairment; 22. In situ liver after liver resection Transplant; 23. Decompensated liver cirrhosis and severe liver function impairment; 24. Portal hypertension triad or Budd-Chiari syndrome after liver trauma; 25. Total pancreatectomy; 26. Chronic renal insufficiency (Renal failure stage) More than 6 months, life-long dependence on drug treatment or intermittent dialysis; 27. Pneumoconiosis stage III with moderate lung function damage, or dyspnea stage III; 28. After radiation pneumonitis, pulmonary fibrosis in more than two lobes, Level III with moderate lung function impairment or dyspnea; 29. ??Acute leukemia not relieved after treatment; 30. Severe aplastic anemia; 31. Myelodysplastic syndrome RAEB-T type; 32. Lymphoma stages III~IV, The condition continued to progress after treatment.
(3) Those who have one of the following disabilities, severe organ defects or deformities, severe dysfunction or complications, and special medical dependence and partial nursing dependence are classified as level three: 1. Moderate movement disorder; 2. Paraplegia or hemiplegia Muscle strength level 3; 3. Total muscle paralysis of both hands; muscle strength level 3; 4. Loss of deep sensation in the limbs; 5. Bilateral incomplete paralysis of the posterior group of cranial nerves, or complete unilateral paralysis; 6. Organic mental disorder, mental disorder After systemic treatment of schizophrenia, most of the life, labor and social abilities are lost or dangerous and impulsive behaviors occur; 7. One hand is missing (wrist joint plane) and the thumb of the other hand is missing (including the metacarpal bone); 8. The thumb and index finger of both hands ( (including the metacarpal bone) is missing or the function is completely lost; 9. The elbow on the dominant side is missing; 10. The joint plane of the dominant wrist is missing or the function of the dominant hand is completely lost, and the function of the other hand is ≥50%; 11. In both hip and knee joints, there is One joint is missing or non-functional and the other joint is insufficient ≥50%; 12. Hip and knee joint deformity on one side, complete loss of function; 13. Loss of wrist and ankle on the non-ipsilateral side; 14. Whole body scars occupying body surface area> 70%, more than 2 joints in the large joints of the limbs are dysfunctional; 15. Facial scar >80% and moderate disfigurement; 16. One eye has or has no light perception, and the other eye has corrected visual acuity ≤0.05 or visual field ≤16% (or radius ≤ 10°); 17. Corrected vision in both eyes 18. Enucleation of one eyeball or the orbital content, and corrected vision in the other eye 19. Completely dependent on tracheal tube or stoma for breathing; 20. No swallowing function, completely dependent on gastric tube for feeding; 21 .Complete defect of the upper and lower mandibles on the same side; 22. Complete defect of the upper or mandibular bone on one side, accompanied by oral and facial soft tissue defects >30cm2; 23. Severe impairment of lung function, dyspnea grade III; 24. Complete pneumonectomy on one side and After thoracic reconstruction or after thoracic reconstruction on one side (removal of ≥ 6 ribs); 25. Chronic heart function class III; 26. III° atrioventricular block without a permanent pacemaker; 27. Aorta Dissecting aneurysm (those without surgery); 28. Grade 3 hypertension accompanied by severe damage to any organ of the heart, brain, or kidney; 29. ??Large-area myocardial infarction, EF≤40%; 30. Liver resection ≥2/3, Moderate liver function damage; 31. Resection of ≥3/4 of the small intestine; 32. Chronic renal insufficiency (renal decompensation period of more than 6 months); 33. After renal transplantation, transplanted renal insufficiency (renal insufficiency compensation stage); 34. Permanent ureteroabdominal wall fistula; 35. Total cystectomy; 36. Decompensated cirrhosis, severe damage to liver function; 37. Severe inflammatory bowel disease; 38. Intra-abdominal tuberculosis, extensive intestinal adhesions, accompanied by Recurrent intestinal obstruction; 39. Pneumoconiosis stage III; 40. Pneumoconiosis stage II with moderate lung function impairment or dyspnea level III; 41. Pneumoconiosis stages I and II with active pulmonary tuberculosis; 42. Pulmonary fibrosis in both lobes after radiation pneumonitis , accompanied by moderate damage to lung function or dyspnea grade III; 43. Agranulocytosis, long-term dependence on drug treatment; 44. Lymphoma stage III~IV, requiring regular chemotherapy; 45. Severe diabetes insipidus with more than one anterior pituitary gland The target gland axis function of the lobe is severely damaged; 46. The target gland axis function of more than two anterior pituitary lobes is severely damaged; 47. Islet cell tumor (including hyperplasia) recurs after surgery or is inoperable; 48. Diabetes has one of the following complications: Cardiac function class III, decompensated renal insufficiency, proliferative retinopathy of both eyes, and gangrene of the lower limbs leading to amputation.
(4) Those who have one of the following disabilities, severe organ defects or malformations, severe dysfunction or complications, and special medical dependence and a small degree of nursing dependence are classified as Level 4: 1. Moderate mental retardation; 2. Severe epilepsy ; 3. Complete mixed aphasia or complete sensory aphasia; 4. Partial muscle paralysis of both hands, muscle strength level 2; 5. Paralysis of one limb, muscle strength level 2; 6. Total muscle paralysis of both feet, muscle strength level 2; 7. Cerebrospinal fluid Leakage that cannot be repaired; 8. Deep sensory loss in both limbs; 9. After systematic treatment of organic mental disorders and schizophrenia, there are still prominent delusions, persistent or recurring hallucinations, poor thinking, decreased willpower, and emotional Symptoms such as apathy, partial loss of life, labor and social abilities; 10. The carpometacarpal joint planes of both thumbs are completely missing or have no function; 11. The dominant forearm is missing or the function of the dominant hand is completely lost; 12. The non-dominant side of the elbow is missing and cannot Installation of prosthetic limbs; 13. One side of the calf is missing below the knee, and the other side is missing the forefoot; 14. One side of the lower limb is amputated at a high position, and the prosthesis cannot be installed; 15. The ankle plane of one foot is missing, and the other foot is deformed, making it difficult to walk; 16. Both sides are missing below the knee ; 17. Scoliosis or kyphotic deformity of more than 30° after spinal fracture, accompanied by severe radicular neuralgia, or spinal stenosis; 18. Scars all over the body accounting for >60% of the body surface area, and one of the large joints of the limbs is dysfunctional; 19 .Facial scar >60% and mild disfigurement; 20. One eye with or without light perception, corrected vision in the other eye 21. Corrected vision in one eye 22. Corrected vision in both eyes 23. Hearing loss in both ears ≥90dBHL; 24. Swallowing disorder, only able to Administering liquid food; 25. Partial maxillary defect on one side, accompanied by oral and facial soft tissue defects >20cm2; 26. Mandibular defect of more than 6cm, accompanied by oral and facial soft tissue defects >20cm2; 27. Bilateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis, unable to open the mouth at all ; 28. Tongue defect > 2/3 of the entire tongue; 29. ??Bilateral complete facial paralysis. Disability assessment refers to the assessment of the degree of disability. The scope of disability appraisal includes traffic accident disability, work accident disability, accidental injury disability, and fighting disability. Generally, the judicial department (such as the traffic police team, police station, court) entrusts a disability appraisal agency to make the corresponding appraisal. From this we can know that there are certain standards for military disability assessment, and the identification of military disability also requires specific institutions to handle it. Finally, the level of disability is determined based on the results of the assessment. level to receive different subsidy amounts.