What does plastic long plastic single precision double precision floating point type mean?
You should learn programming, right? Data types are often used to define variables, and the definition of variables should be based on the actual situation, as follows: 1. Integer: an integer without decimal point, with the range of (-32,768-32,767); For example, if you want to write a program related to the month, then the variable of the month here should be an integer, because the month has no decimal point. You haven't heard of1.May, have you? By analogy, age can also be an integer, and so on; 2. Long integer: an integer slightly larger than the integer range (-2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647), which is used in the same way as integer; 3. Single-precision floating-point type: it is a data type whose range is larger than integer and smaller than long integer, but its precision is higher than integer and long integer; For example, if you want to use decimals in operations, you must define variables with single precision; Also, to write a program about wages, we should also define variables that represent wages with single precision; 4. Double-precision floating-point type: it is a data type that is more accurate and wider than single precision, and its usage is the same as that of single precision; 5. Floating-point type: You can almost understand the meaning of the name, that is, you can express larger data more flexibly by floating the decimal point, that is, the data type with decimal point, and the meaning is more accurate. These data types should be understood according to programming cases, which will be easier to understand =v=