1. First, open Photoshop and import the portrait. In general, the imported image will be retouched to make the shading and color effects of the image more vivid. Here, select "Image, Adjustment, Brightness/Contrast" to increase brightness and contrast.
2. Execute the menu "Select, Color Range" and select dark tones.
3. After selecting the shadow part of the image, press "Ctrl+J" to copy the shadow part to the new layer, select the original portrait layer, and then proceed to "Selection and Color Range", this time selecting the middle tone.
4. After selecting the midtone range, press "Ctrl+J" to copy to the new layer.
5. Select the magic wand tool. On the original portrait layer, choose the blue hat and the highlights of the hair. Then press "Ctrl+J" to copy the selected part to the new layer. Police tactical unit and the highlights of hair are the most important features of the characters. Just now, there was no choice for dark and alto, so I'd like to add it here.
6. After the foundation layer is completed, the middle tone layer, hair and hat are merged into one layer and named as "middle tone". Dark tones are named "dark tones". The display of the original portrait layer is cancelled.
7. Portrait combination is completed, and printing effect production is started. Press "Ctrl+N" to create a new canvas, with the width and height set to 1 1 inch * 17 inch, and the resolution is 300 to ensure the printing accuracy. The printing effect of the tutorial can be used not only for this poster production, but also for postcards and word cards.
8. Paste the midtone layer and the dark tone layer into the new canvas, select the two layers together, press "Ctrl+T" to bring up the free transformation menu, and then press Shift to reduce the layers proportionally.
9. Select the dark tone layer that has just been adjusted and perform "Edit Fill". Use black, change the blending mode to normal, and the opacity is 100%. Check to keep the transparent area, also fill the middle tone layer, and choose 50% gray as the color.
10, which completes the effect of the two layers after the above two fillings.
1 1. Select two layers, middle tone and dark tone, and right-click to select the merged layer. A brush that produces a printing effect. Creates a new canvas with a larger width and height, but the resolution is the default. Select the text tool, type different layers, adjust their sizes and fonts to make them different, and then set the color of the text to black.
12. Select all text layers, right-click and select Rasterization to change the text from editable state to pixel image, that is, it can no longer be edited, so make sure the size and font of the text meet your requirements. Make the raster text layer into a brush. Turn off the text layer and leave only one layer. Perform Edit and Customize Brushes and name the brushes as needed.
13, and so on, other text layers are still set as brushes, and only one text layer is displayed when setting. After setting, you can find the brush style you just saved from the brush preset.
14, after the brush is set, do the poster design. Select the brush tool and press F5 to bring up the brush setting menu. Select a text brush, check and adjust the shape of the brush tip, set the diameter to 220 pixels, the angle to 0, and the spacing to 494%. The diameter, angle and spacing can be adjusted as required.
15. Set the stroke type and parameters, press "Ctrl+Shift+N" to create a new layer, and then draw various random characters on the layer according to your own preferences.
16. Fill the surface with other strokes as shown below. Don't worry about drawing too much in the process of painting. The following will be modified accordingly. For subtle positions such as facial features, it is necessary to reduce the brush diameter and carefully outline the facial features along the original portrait. After adjustment and modification.
17, at this point, a bit decent. Continue to press "Ctrl+Shift+N" to create a new layer, fill it with white with the paint bucket tool, then move the white layer between the brush layer and the middle-dark tone layer, close the text brush layer and the white layer (key), click to select the middle-dark tone layer, press "Ctrl+A" to select the whole canvas, and then press "Ctrl+C" to copy the currently selected area.
18. Display the text brush layer and white layer that have just been closed, select the text brush layer, click the small button in the layer panel, and add the layer mask. Hold down Alt and click the thumbnail of layer mask, and the canvas will turn white. Then press Ctrl+V to paste the copied area of the medium dark tone layer.
19. Press "Ctrl+D" to cancel the current selection, and then press "Ctrl+I" to reverse the selection. Click on the thumbnail of the text brush layer, and you will see the portrait of the text printing effect.
20, the following is about to color the portrait! First, double-click the text printing layer, check the gradient overlay in the layer style, set the gradient color to your favorite 3-5 colors, choose a good color, and press OK, and the beautiful poster design effect will come out.
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Ps Character Poster Tutorial _ PS Method for Making Character Poster Effect Sometimes it takes a lot of thought to take portrait photos, but the films are still very dull. If you use PS to create an atmosphere, there may be unexpected gains! How to make ordinary people look like movie posters? The following ps poster tutorial I compiled for you, I hope you like it! Ps poster tutorial 1. First, re-compose and cut the picture, and then the hue/saturation tool-reduce the color saturation of the picture, and determine the value according to personal preference. 2. Use light and shadow to reshape the figure (a relatively simple method is adopted here) curve tool. Let's take a look at the mask effect of the curve layer and darken the mask range of the curve layer. Highlight the mask range of the curve layer. Overall character modification (facelift, skin change, etc.). ) Carry out the second light and shadow remodeling (the principle is the same as the first one) and the overall color adjustment to achieve the desired effect (mainly using hue/saturation and optional colors). Let's look at the specific values. Skin tone retouching and some details adjustment. Your current location: IT education channel > graphic image design >; Image processing PS poster effect method [image processing] 1 970-01-0108: 00 this article navigation1,home page 2, PS poster effect -23, PS poster effect -34, PS poster effect -4 the third light and shadow remodeling. Guess what you like: 1.ps cover tutorial 2.ps high-definition portrait stripping integrates various methods 3.ps ancient art photo tutorial 4.ps meticulous portrait tutorial 5.ps making fashion magazine portrait cover tutorial 6. How to use photoshop as a poster How to design beautiful posters with PS? The first step is to create a new document with a width of 600 pixels and a height of 400 pixels. Step 2, use the gradient tool to fill the background color. Step 3: Create a new layer, use the previously found material, use the magic wand tool to cut and resize the picture, and then put it in the lower right corner of the first layer. Step 4, create a new layer, use the shape tool, draw a graph and put it in the upper right corner. Step 5, copy a shape with photoshop shortcut Ctrl+j and put it in the middle. The last step is to mark the characteristics and advantages of the product with text tools. Find a corporate service and go to Pig Bajie. Com, delivery, acceptance and payment.