Fix-rounding int- ABS-, the largest integer not greater than itself-Find the absolute value SGN- Determine whether a number is positive or negative or zero SQR- Find the square root trim- Delete all spaces ltrim- Delete the left "-Space rtrim- Delete the right. Left(s, 6) intercepts six characters "mid" from the first bit of S-intercepts characters from a specified position, for example, mid(s, 2, 6) intercepts six characters from the second bit.
Right-Truncate the character "Len" from the last digit-Test the character length "ucase"-Turn lowercase into uppercase.
"lcase"-"instr (s, b)" written in lowercase-finds B in S, then it will return several words; If it is not found, it returns 0 "ASC"-ASC is used in the opposite way. Enter the ASC code and convert it into the character "Cint"-round the first decimal place and round "CCUR".
Time ()-returns the current time-year-hour-hour-month-day-working day-minute-second-tab-returns seconds.
data conversion
Cint plastic surgery
Clng long shaping
Csng single precision
Cdbl double precision
Ccur currency
Cstr string
Cbool boolean value
Cdate date
Val is converted into a numerical value.
Remember it even if you are killed.