Pic 1。 Line (100+a, 100+b)-( 100, 100), BF
The effect is the same, but the starting point and the ending point are reversed (just like drawing a line segment from point A to point B in mathematics is the same as drawing a line segment from point B to point A).
BF means to draw a solid rectangle, if it is
Pic 1。 Line (100, 100)-( 100+a, 100+b)
Is to draw a line segment. If so
Pic 1。 Line (100, 100)-( 100+a, 100+b), b
Is to draw a hollow rectangle.
Pic 1。 Fillcolor = vbbottonface means that when drawing in PIC 1, the surface color of standard buttons is used as the fill color of solid closed graphics (circle, rectangle, triangle, etc.). ).