C input 2 plastic arrays.
In C language, you can use the following code to input two integers from the keyboard, compare the sizes and display the smallest number:

` ` c

# include & ltstdio.h & gt

int main() {

int num 1,num2,min

Printf ("Please enter two integers: \ n");

scanf("%! D (missing)%! D (missing) ",& ampnum 1. num 2);

if(num 1 & lt; num2) {

min = num 1;

} Otherwise {

min = num2


Printf ("Minimum quantity is:%! D (missing) \n ",min);

Returns 0;



Code interpretation:

-` # include & lt; Stdio.h & gt' is a common header file in C language, which contains input and output functions.

-`int main ()' is the main function, and the program starts to execute from here;

-`int num 1, num2, min declare three integer variables;

-`printf ("Please enter two integers: \ n"); Display prompt information;

- `scanf("%! D (missing)%! D (missing) ",& ampnum 1. num 2); Read two integers from the keyboard and store them in variables' num 1' and num2'.

-` if(num 1 & lt; Num2) {...} ` Compare the sizes of ` num 1' and ` num 2' with if statements. If' num1'is less than' num 2', execute the statement in curly brackets, otherwise, execute the statement in curly brackets after else;

-` min = num 1; Or min = num2 stores the minimum value in the variable' min' according to the comparison result;

-`printf ("Minimum quantity is:%! D (missing) \n ",min); Display the smallest number;

-`Returns 0; ` indicates that the program ends normally.

It should be noted that this code only applies to the comparison of two integers. If you need to compare multiple integers, you need to use other methods, such as arrays.