Equipment technology of Liaoning stomatological hospital
The hospital has advanced medical equipment, such as CAD/CAM computer all-ceramic restoration system, root canal microscope system, periodontal endoscope system, digital panoramic X-ray machine, ultrasonic osteotome, surgical microscope, swing saw, infratemporal joint mirror and plasma surgery system, operating room micro-power system, plasma low temperature sterilization system, etc. Our hospital carried out comprehensive treatment of oral and head and neck tumors, sequential treatment of cleft lip and palate, treatment of severe maxillofacial trauma such as complex jaw fracture, craniofacial deformity reduction and orthognathic surgery earlier in China. Repair various tissue defects and organ reconstruction by microsurgical techniques; Internal fixation of condylar fracture through oral approach was carried out earlier in China; Carry out root canal microscope treatment technology and hot gel gutta percha filling technology; Carry out sequential periodontal therapy such as SPT, GTR, GBR, minimally invasive periodontal therapy and periodontal cosmetic surgery, and also use periodontal ultrasonic comprehensive therapy machine, Florida probe periodontal automatic detection system, micro periodontal surgical instruments, periodontal endoscope system to diagnose and treat severe and difficult periodontal diseases; It took the lead in developing CAD-CAM denture manufacturing technology, various porcelain restorations and attachment dentures, and pure titanium and gold alloy cast denture brackets. Carry out the correction of various malocclusion, invisible correction technology, lingual appliance, application of implant anchorage, etc.