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Dermal surgery: including traditional dermabrasion, microcrystalline dermabrasion and laser dermabrasion. Simply put, it is to smooth the uneven scars and let the local area regrow a more uniform epidermis. This operation is suitable for small scars with many depressions, but if the scar with large lumps is treated by dermabrasion, the new skin that grows again is still scar tissue, which cannot improve the problem [2].
Uplift method: For the scars and static wrinkles in the gentle slope depression, we can consider the method of autologous transplantation or injection to make the depression part uplift and flush with the surrounding tissues.
Smoothing method: steroid injection, laser surgery, radiotherapy or external use of paper tape, silica gel tablets, massage and other methods can slow down hypertrophy and raised scar hyperplasia.
Direct Scar Removal: Doctors can directly remove obviously ugly scars, and then make new scars fall on the skin tension line or skin anatomical hidden line according to professional experience.
Skin flap transfer, skin transplantation, tissue expansion: suitable for a wide range of scars, because they can not be sutured directly after resection, and must be covered with nearby or distant tissues. This method is quite effective for eliminating large area scars or functional scars. As far as the current scar shaping technology is concerned, it is only a myth that scars can be seamlessly smooth or completely disappeared. In the face of treatment, patients should have a correct concept: scar plastic surgery actually only beautifies large and indecent or uneven scars into small and plain scars.
Diet after scar repair
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