Suzhou laser freckle removal for a few days. Where is Esther's address?
One week to three months. Laser freckle removal is a treatment method that uses the photothermal effect of different lasers to crush melanin particles in skin spots, promote their metabolic discharge, or directly and selectively vaporize and peel off the epidermis at the spots, thus removing spots. The recovery period of laser freckle varies from one week to three months. Suzhou Astor Beauty Hospital is located in Sanxiang Road, Suzhou. The word beauty can be understood from two angles. The first choice is "capacity", followed by "beauty". "Rong" includes three meanings: face, grace and decoration. "Beauty" has two meanings: adjective and verb. Adjectives indicate that the result and purpose of beauty are beautiful and beautiful; Verbs express the process of beauty, that is, beautification and change.