The online explanation of body position is: body position is the position where the body should be during acupuncture treatment. There are three types of injections: sitting, lying and standing. Among them, the sitting and lying positions are commonly used. The standing position can easily cause needle fainting. Clinically, it refers to the patient's body posture in the hospital bed or the body posture maintained during examination.
The online explanation of body position is: body position is the position where the body should be during acupuncture treatment. There are three types of injections: sitting, lying and standing. Among them, sitting and lying are commonly used. The standing position can easily cause needle fainting. Clinically, it refers to the patient's body posture in the hospital bed or the body posture maintained during examination. The phonetic notation is: ㄊ一ˇㄨㄟ_. The pinyin is: tǐwèi. Part of speech is: noun. The structure is: body (left and right structure) bit (left and right structure).
What is the specific explanation of body position? We will introduce it to you through the following aspects:
1. Explanation of words Click here to view the details of the plan
Body position tǐwèi. (1) In medicine, it refers to body posture. (2) The posture of the body that is specifically required for certain physical therapies or surgical procedures.
2. Mandarin Dictionary
The physical examination levels of draftees are currently divided into five grades: A, B, C, D and E.
Idioms about body position
Not content with the position of the corpse, the plain meal position, the lowly position, the empty position, waiting to steal the position, the vegetarian meal, the corpse position, the trinity, taking off the robe, abdication, usurping the throne and seizing power
Words about body position
Not inferior to the position, steal the seat, take off the robe, abdicate, the trinity corpse, the meal is restless, covet the position, take advantage of the high position, rich salary, corpse position, miss the country, empty position, wait for it
Sentences about body position
< p>1. Strictly speaking, Sun Salutation is not like a posture, but a series of warming movements in conjunction with breathing.2. The focus of this book is the relationship between anatomy and kinesiology and asana practice and teaching.
3. The specific location is located in the Fengdong New City Coordinated Science and Technology Resource Reform Demonstration Base Block, south of Hongguang Road, west of Taiping River, east of Keyuan East Road, and north of Keyuan South Road.
4. The specific location is: between the concert hall and Yiyuan Square on the campus of Liao Normal University, that is, in the northeast of the South Campus, close to the intersection of Southwest Road and Huanghe Road.
5. For example, Jay Chou suffers from ankylosing spondylitis and is judged to have a Class C posture.
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