The skin is not dead where the pattern is tattooed. As long as the human body is alive, the skin is alive, but sometimes people often say that the skin somewhere inside the elbow is dead, only because the nerves there are not sensitive and it is not easy to feel pain. This is not really dead skin. The metabolism of the human body exists at any time, and the extremely thin layer of skin on the surface will become "dead skin" because of metabolism, just like girls have to use things like "exfoliating cream" to remove dead skin every once in a while, while the dead skin inside is just very, very thin dander, which pierces the epidermis of the skin when tattooing.
When tattooing, because the skin needs to be punctured, a small amount of blood will flow out. After tattooing, body fluids (cell tissue fluid) and a small amount of blood will continue to seep out, and it doesn't matter after solidification. Usually, after tattooing, the tattoo artist will apply a layer of ointment on the skin of the tattooed area to protect and prevent inflammation. In the process of tattoo recovery, the skin on the tattoo site will peel off and itch, which are normal phenomena, but you must not scratch the tattoo site, otherwise it will affect the color of the tattoo. If it is serious, you need to make up the color after the tattoo is restored. You must take a bath during tattoo recovery, but you can't use irritating soap, shower gel and the like. Just wash it gently with mild soap, because it is necessary to wash off the oozing body fluids and residual ointment. Wash once a day, and after each wash, apply erythromycin ointment to the tattoo area (the advantage of applying erythromycin ointment is to prevent inflammation, and the skin on the tattoo area will not be too dry and will not form a thick scab).