What technology is the most popular for removing bags under the eyes?
In fact, there is no best blepharoplasty, only the most suitable method. At present, blepharoplasty can be divided into two categories, one is surgical treatment and the other is non-surgical treatment. If blepharoplasty bulges and wrinkles appear in the lower eyelid at the same time, it is more likely that surgery is needed, but blepharoplasty has not yet appeared, so non-surgical methods or minimally invasive surgery can be considered. The surgical method mainly refers to the plastic surgery of removing bags under eyes through external approach. Make a small incision under the eyelashes to remove the fat of the orbital diaphragm and tighten the skin of the lower eyelid at the same time, so that bags under the eyes and wrinkles can be removed at the same time. Non-surgical methods are electric wave skin lift or injection of liposolution. Only for young people without wrinkles. Minimally invasive surgery refers to laser removal of eye bags through internal approach. It is recommended to consult a plastic surgeon for diagnosis and determine the most suitable method/