Add /Ad/ vt. Add, attach, add
Total, total
Click/print/vi. Point to the decimal point; Key points; Scores; Sharp point of view
Uneasy /Qp5set/ vt. Make uncomfortable and uneasy.
Ignore/ig5nR:/ vt。
Calm down/ka: m/a. calm down
Calm down, calm down; quiet
Have to; must
Care, concern, relationship
Care, care
Take a dog for a walk
Song/Lu: S/A. Song; free
Deception; Cheat. cheat
Reason/5ri:Zn/n . Reason; Reasoning and persuasion
List/list/n. list; List; catalogue
Share /FZE/ vt. Share * * * Share
Feeling /5fi: Lin/n.
Experience; Complete; cheque
Amsterdam/Amsterdam 5/Amsterdam North
Netherlands /5 netelendz/n Netherlands, region name
Jews/5dvu (:) if/a. Jews
German/5dve: men/a.german
Nazi party, Nazi party
Set it down and write it down; Sign up; lie down
Series/5s ieri: z/n. continuous; series
A series in a series
Kitty/5k iti/kitty, all in.
Outdoor /5aut5dR:z/ ad. outdoors
Nature; Nature; nature
Purpose /5pe: pes/n
Intentionally; deliberately
For the purpose of.
Bold, bold
Thunder; Thunder. Shout it out
Strength/5 paue/n. ability; Electricity; force
Face to face; oppositely
According to /e5kr: din/ad.
According to, according to; according to
Accordingly /E5kR:diNli/ ad. Therefore, according to
Trust, trust; Trust. Trust; trust
Indoor/indoor 5dR:z/ ad. Indoor, indoor.
Suffer; Suffer. Suffer, suffer, suffer
Get along. Go away.
fall in love with sb.
Advice, suggestions, opinions
Test, test.
Situation; Situation; Situation.
Edit /5 Edit/n.
Communicate/kE5mju:nikeit/ vi。 Communication, communication, communication.
Take part in (an activity)
Habit; habit
Include/in5klu:d/ vt。
Roles/rules /n
Play a role in ...; Play a role ...
Because, because
International, international
local people
Elevator; lift
Apartment /E5pa: Treatment/n.
Rubber; eraser
Gasoline; Oil; petrol
Modern/5 mrden/a.
Come up and approach; Grow (from soil)
Culture, civilization and upbringing
Advertising advertising
Actually /5AktjuEli/ ad. In fact, in fact,
Present/5 preznt/a. Currently; Be present; Gift, gift. appear
Rules; Rules; Rules. Rule; rule
Vocabulary; vocabulary
Usage/5ju: zidv/n.
Noah webster noah webster
Same, same. Identify oneself
Government; government
Like, like, like
Singapore/5Singe5PR:/n. Singapore
Malaysia/Northern Malaysia
Quickly. rapidly
Phrases and idioms
Candy /5 candy/n.
Truck/5l RRI/n.
Lori Li Luo
Command/kE5ma:nd/ vt。 Command, command, control
Request /ri5kwest/n
Retell; Repeat. Repeat, say it again.
Polite, cultured
Standard, standardized; authoritative
Midwest; Midwest; Characteristic of the midwest of the United States
Southern/5sqten/a. Southern,Southern
Play a role; join
Orient /5i: Stern submachine gun/a. In the East.
Southeast; Southeastern
Northwest; Northwest; From the northwest.
Recognize, recognize.
Houston/5hju: sten/n. Houston
Texas/North Texas
Stress, stress, stress
Bufford Bufford
Direction/5th Reykjavik/North.
Madam. Lady; Miss, lady
Subway/5sqbwei/n. tunnel; subway
Block; Block; Block.
Daily newspapers, magazines and periodicals.
Cost /fze/n
Transportation/transshipment 5pr: t/n
Vientiane /5vje5tja:n/ n/n Vientiane (the capital of Laos)
Laos/Laos/Lao People's Democratic Republic
Phnom Penh Phnom Penh (the capital of Cambodia)
Kambodia/kam5boudje/n. Khmer; Cambodia
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam/North Vietnam
Mekong River
Finally /5fainEli/ ad. Finally, it cannot be changed.
Period /5saikl/n
Persuade; Persuade. persuade
Stubborn/5 stqben/a. Stubborn; dogged
Insist. Insist on the request.
Source/service request: serial number source; source
Appropriate, just right
Detail /5di: Detail /n
Determine /di5tE:min/ vt. decision
Determined; Firm; firm
Meade changed his mind.
Height, height, height
Surrender; Hand it in; let
Atlas? Atlas?
Glacier /5 glasje/n
Tibetan /ti5betEn/ adj Tibetan; Tibetan (language)
Valley /5v Ali /n
Unremarkable; Simple; Ordinary. Simple; ordinary
Delta /5 Delta /n Delta?
Attitude/5 atitju: d/n.
Shorts. shorts
Canyon /5 canyons/n.
Record/5 rekr: d, Ri5kr: d/n. Records, files; Resume; Record. Record; record
After thinking/5b: ftewr: t/n. After thinking, regret and think again.
topic/5 trpik/n . topic; Topic, topic
Familiar with/fe5milje/a.
Shake; Shake; Shake. shake
Right away, now, now
Ok; All right.
Rise/raiz/ vi。 Stand up; Rise; Rise; Uprising; Origin, occurrence
Crack, crack.
Having a bad smell.
Pond /prnd/n
Pipes; Piper; vt。 Pipes and conduits; tobacco pipe
Outbreak; Break out. Break out.
End at one end; end
Canal; Canal; Canal.
Steam /STI: m/n
Dust, dirt, dirt
Destroy; Destroy; Destroy sabotage
Injury; Injury; Hurt. Hurt, damage, damage
Destroy; Destroy sabotage
Dams; Dams; Dams.
Useless, worthless
Steel /5sti: l/n steel
Shock/frk/n. shock; Shocked; Shock vi.
Earthquake; Tremor; shake
Rescue; Rescue. Rescue, rescue
Electricity /ilek5 trisiti/n
Disaster; Disaster.
Army /5a: Military intelligence personnel/army
Organization; Organization; Organization.
Dig out; find
Bury; Bury. bury
Coal; Coal; coal
My/main/pron. Mine, mine; Mine. mine
Coal mine
Miners /5 miners /n
Shelter; Shelter.
Fresh, fresh
Many (large); massive
Distribute it; Give off (a smell, etc)
Percentage /pe5 send/n. percentage, percentage
Speech/SPI: TF/n/n. Speech; make a speech
Honor; Honor.
get ready prepare
Europe/northern Europe
thousands of
Nelson mandela, nelson mandela
Hero /5 hiereu/n
Mass/5 kwrliti/n. mass; characteristic
Active /5 aktiv/a
Lose courage
In misfortune, in prison
William tyndale william tyndale
Bible, Christian Bible
Republic /ri5pQblik/ n.*** Republic of China
Principle; Principle.
Nationalism nationalism, national characteristics
Livelihood; Livelihood
Gandhi /5 Gandhi:/Gandhi
Fight/lose/vi. To fight (a battle)
Peace/5pi: sful/a. Peace; quiet
Prison, imprisonment
Period/5 pierced/n. period; full stop
Advice, advice. Advice, suggestions, notices
Go on, go on. Go on.
Cost /fi:/n
Made of gold
Passbook /5 Pascal/n. Bank passbook
Johannesburg/Johannesburg b:g/ Johannesburg
Worry, worry
Unemployment; There is something wrong with (this machine).
Youth/ju: w/n. Youth; youth
Alliance/Lee: Alliance
Communist Youth League
Stage; Stage; Stage; Stage, period
position/PE 5 zifen/n . position; location
Accept, agree
Violent; Violent; violence
In fact,
Inflate (a tire, etc); explosion
Put ... put ... in jail
Equal/5i: kwel/a. Equal, equal.
robben island
Blankets; Blankets.
Guard /ga:d/ vt. protective equipment
Come to power; come to power
Territory; Region; Place.
Fear, fear.
Cruel/5 kruelti/n. cruel; barbaric
Reward; Reward. Repayment; reward
Right/rait/a. Correct; The advertisement is on the right. Right; Just right; Right to be straight; correct
Criminal; Criminals
Leader/5li: de/n。
President/President's Representative /n
Settings; Establish; Settings; build
Anti-reverse; Resist; block
Sentences /5 sentences/n. Sentence. sentence
Be sentenced to ... (imprisonment)
Sincerely /sin5siEli/ ad. sincerely
Hope to adopt, thank you.