The first is peace of mind. Before Zheng Jun, he had a bad temper. This is what Zheng Jun himself mentioned in the program. He is angry with many things and thinks that this thing should not be done, and it is also true for lovers. People with similar interests are separated when they feel inappropriate, regardless of each other's feelings.
After meditation, I saw the changes in Zheng Jun and took a tolerant attitude towards many things, so I was not so sharp.
The second is a big mood. Before Zheng Jun, tangled things, I didn't quite understand. He believes that things should develop in their own preset direction. Now Zheng Jun has been a lot more pessimistic, which may be successful or practicing at home.
When posting to a netizen, he thinks that he can't feel the pain of the other person, but he should treat others and society with kindness and tolerance. This is the change of mood and the result of meditation. If you know more about yourself and others, your heart will change greatly.
The third is to let nature take its course. Before Zheng Jun, he had great personality for people and things. Now Zheng Jun, who is pessimistic, has figured it out. He is not entangled in things, is more tolerant of people, and even participates in variety shows. He can talk about Kan Kan on the show.
In my dream life, I can play with Huang Lei and Lao Lang, or sit down, tell a joke and drink a little wine.
Everyone will change, everyone can change, as long as you change with your heart, you can achieve it. Meditation is just to calm yourself down. Meditation is just a form. More is to ask for change. As Zheng Jun said, Liu Yun is a woman who wants to change. Do you like Zheng Jun as it is now?
Could you please brush your teeth?